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mitsubishi montero wednesday song

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# 1 21 years ago

i love the song on the new mitsubishi montero commercial...the wednesday's fine, wednesday's good...etc. anyone know the name of the song and the artist? thanks in advance for all of your help
# 2 21 years ago

It's Titled, 20Th Century Boy! C

20th Century Boy - Marc Bolan.
Friends say it's fine
Friends say it's good
Everybody says it's just like Robin Hood
I walk like a rat
Crawl like a cat
Sting like a bee
Babe I'm gonna be your man
And it's plain to see
You were meant for me
Yeah, I'm your toy
Your 20th Century boy
Friends say it's fine
Friends say it's good
Everybody says it's just like Robin Hood
Fly like a plane
Drive like a car
Ball like a hound
Babe I'm gonna be your man
And it's plain to see
You were meant for me
Yeah, I'm your toy
Your 20th Century boy
20th Century boy, I wanna be your toy (x4)
Friends say it's fine
Friends say it's good
Everybody says it's just like Robin Hood
I walk like a rat
Crawl like a cat
Sting like a bee
Babe I'm gonna be your man
And it's plain to see
You were meant for me
Yeah I'm your toy
Your 20th Century boy
20th Century boy, I wanna be your toy (x4)

# 3 21 years ago

the song is originally by t-rex but the band placebo does a cover of it on the soundtrack to the movie 'velvet goldmine'

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