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Donnie Miller

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# 1 23 years ago

Whatever happened to Donnie Miller?
I used to live in the area that he grew up in for many, many years. I thought his debut (and only release - One of the Boys was a great effort). I saw him in concert a few times as well.
I found his cd in my collection the other day, which made me reminisce and wonder about him. It is a shame that he didn't 'make it'.
I thought he had so much potential. Certainly as much as (an example: Jon Bon Jovi); I feel their styles are closely matched.
Write me back and update me if you can.
Debby O
# 2 21 years ago

Donnie is living in Coffeyville,KS (his hometown) and still plays some. I don't think he has done any recordng since 'One of the Boys'.
He's a relative on my wife's side of the family.
Do you still have that CD? Somehow I lost my copy.
If you could e-mail me the songs as an attachment, let me know.
John M

: Whatever happened to Donnie Miller?
: I used to live in the area that he grew up in for many, many years. I thought his debut (and only release - One of the Boys was a great effort). I saw him in concert a few times as well.
: I found his cd in my collection the other day, which made me reminisce and wonder about him. It is a shame that he didn't 'make it'.
: I thought he had so much potential. Certainly as much as (an example: Jon Bon Jovi); I feel their styles are closely matched.
> Write me back and update me if you can.
> Thanks
: &
: Sincerely,
> Debby O

# 3 21 years ago

If you are still wondering where he is, he is in Lebanon, TN. He found his way to the Blues and has a new band. He performed the other night at Lady Godiva in Lebanon, Tennessee.
# 4 21 years ago

> Whatever happened to Donnie Miller?
: I used to live in the area that he grew up in for many, many years. I thought his debut (and only release - One of the Boys was a great effort). I saw him in concert a few times as well.
: I found his cd in my collection the other day, which made me reminisce and wonder about him. It is a shame that he didn't 'make it'.
: I thought he had so much potential. Certainly as much as (an example: Jon Bon Jovi); I feel their styles are closely matched.
> Write me back and update me if you can.
> Thanks
: &
: Sincerely,
> Debby O

# 5 21 years ago

he's still in the 'ville.
& he's still a legend in his own mind. Still living back in '89 trying to convince the rubes back there that he's the greatest thing since Beethoven. He never made it big because he nobody else thought he was as great as he thinks he is.
# 6 21 years ago

Donnie Miller
> Whatever happened to Donnie Miller?
: I used to live in the area that he grew up in for many, many years. I thought his debut (and only release - One of the Boys was a great effort). I saw him in concert a few times as well.
: I found his cd in my collection the other day, which made me reminisce and wonder about him. It is a shame that he didn't 'make it'.
: I thought he had so much potential. Certainly as much as (an example: Jon Bon Jovi); I feel their styles are closely matched.
> Write me back and update me if you can.
> Thanks
: &
: Sincerely,
> Debby O

# 7 21 years ago

> Whatever happened to Donnie Miller?
: I used to live in the area that he grew up in for many, many years. I thought his debut (and only release - One of the Boys was a great effort). I saw him in concert a few times as well.
: I found his cd in my collection the other day, which made me reminisce and wonder about him. It is a shame that he didn't 'make it'.
: I thought he had so much potential. Certainly as much as (an example: Jon Bon Jovi); I feel their styles are closely matched.
> Write me back and update me if you can.
: Thanks
: &
: Sincerely,
> Debby O

# 8 21 years ago

> Whatever happened to Donnie Miller?
Hey Debby! I used to be Donnie's keyboard player and as a matter of fact I just talked to him recently. Donnie is doing fine and is living in Nashville where he is playing in a very popular blues band (Stevie Ray kind of stuff). Unfortunately, we never released another CD. The label we were on sold out to Sony (Thanks to Tommy Mattola) and our contract was not renewed.
For a first effort, everyone thought the CD was pretty good. Even now people are still buying it off of Ebay left and right. I used to purchase it every time it came up for sale but I eventually had to stop. There still seems to be a great deal of interest in the album here in the US and especially overseas, i.e. Germany.
If you would like more information, please feel free to email me anytime. Donnie and I were always very appreciative of all those who believed in our music. Even though we never achieved the great success of a Bon Jovi, we never stopped hoping that Donnie's music would achieve popularity. Thanks and have a great day!
# 9 20 years ago

Beats me. He lived in Kansas City. A good friend of mine played bass for him for a while. I thought he was about as marketable as anything out there at the time. Heck, Tommy Shaw and Cyndi Lauper were both on that album. It's still very listenable. Downright catchy.
> Whatever happened to Donnie Miller?
: I used to live in the area that he grew up in for many, many years. I thought his debut (and only release - One of the Boys was a great effort). I saw him in concert a few times as well.
: I found his cd in my collection the other day, which made me reminisce and wonder about him. It is a shame that he didn't 'make it'.
: I thought he had so much potential. Certainly as much as (an example: Jon Bon Jovi); I feel their styles are closely matched.
> Write me back and update me if you can.
> Thanks
: &
: Sincerely,
> Debby O

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