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trying to find the title and artist of this song

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# 1 20 years ago

need help..whats the name of this song that is on one of the commercials for HBO or MAX?
goes like this: "tried it one time and i liked it, so i tried two times, got addicted, tried three times can you help me...(then more words--ends with,) "a litte bit more"
going crazy tryin to find out.. please help email me at
# 2 20 years ago

It's "Little Bit More" by Tony C and The Truth.
# 3 20 years ago

i dont know much! it goes "oh the devil couldnt write no love the devil couldnt write no love song" it's in the will farell saturday night live dvd act...its kind of country!!
# 4 20 years ago

i need to know the artist for this song, sang by a girly,

you say, i only hear what i want to...
you say i talk so all the time
i thought what i felt was simple,
then i felt that i don't belong
now that i am leaving now i know that i did soemthing wrong coz i missed u, yeeeaah i missed u
# 5 20 years ago

I need help trying to find an artist for this song. It is about being 15 year old and growing older, and I believe it says when you only have one life to live. Can you help?
# 6 19 years ago

> i need help trying to fing the artist of this song the song is call "Not Falling" it is from the movie "Ghost Ship" if u can help me that would be alot of help cause it is playing in my head
# 7 19 years ago

> Sorry the song this our part is goes like this" I dont know much but you I love you let me be all I need to know"
# 8 19 years ago

> need help..whats the name of this song that is on one of the commercials for HBO or MAX?
> goes like this: "tried it one time and i liked it, so i tried two times, got addicted, tried three times can you help me...(then more words--ends with,) "a litte bit more"
> going crazy tryin to find out.. please help email me at
> thanks
I am trying to find out who sings this song-the chorus goes like this: Get out, right now its the end of you and me, it's go late and I can't wait for you to be gone, cause I know about her and i wonder how I bought all the lies, you said that you would treat me right, but it was just a waste of time. I really want to know who sings this...
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