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Help Me Find This Song Please

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# 1 20 years ago

It was on an episode of the MTV's Real World from maybe a year back or so. The only line I can remember is "I'm still young and I'm dumb". The song had a Modern Rock/Alternative feel to it, thanks in advance.
# 2 20 years ago

the song i am trying to find goes like this:my body your body everybody moves your body. and the band that sings it is : let's all chance.
# 3 20 years ago

What is this song. Boom here come the boom ready or not here comes the boys from the south.
# 4 20 years ago

> the song i am trying to find goes like this:the notes you wrote me i kept them all, ive given alot of thought of how to write you back this fall, I taintly remember sleeping on your bedroom floor. where i layed and told you, but you sware you love me more do you care if i dont know what to say, will you sleep tonight, will you think of me


# 5 20 years ago

> > the song i am trying to find goes like this:the notes you wrote me i kept them all, ive given alot of thought of how to write you back this fall, I taintly remember sleeping on your bedroom floor. where i layed and told you, but you sware you love me more do you care if i dont know what to say, will you sleep tonight, will you think of me
> thanks

"there is" by boxcar racer
# 6 16 years ago

> the song i am trying to find goes like this:my body your body everybody moves your body. and the band that sings it is : let's all chance.
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