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# 1 21 years ago

What's the background music on the Sprite commercials with Kobe Bryant? You know, the ones showing people supposedly from his childhood who told him what to do, and instead, he obeyed his thirst (or whatever.
It's got a sweet beat.
# 2 21 years ago

hi, sorry dont know. but please i need help with the sprite commercial where a boy buys to large clothes and then gets stuck in an escalator.
the song ..
# 3 21 years ago

I am not sure but how about the new sprite commercials of hime training, what beats are those?
> What's the background music on the Sprite commercials with Kobe Bryant? You know, the ones showing people supposedly from his childhood who told him what to do, and instead, he obeyed his thirst (or whatever.
> It's got a sweet beat.

# 4 21 years ago

> What's the background music on the Sprite commercials with Kobe Bryant? You know, the ones showing people supposedly from his childhood who told him what to do, and instead, he obeyed his thirst (or whatever.
> It's got a sweet beat.
ANSWER: Kobe Portrait III or Sprite Kobe Portrait III Anthem.
** I already tried looking for the song but Sprite told me they are not distributing it so if some found it or has it can you pls give it to me THX.
# 5 21 years ago

> What's the background music on the Sprite commercials with Kobe Bryant? The commecials where it shows him working out, jogging, and boxing. i think there are 3 commericals. i would like to no the songs for all of them please

# 6 20 years ago

> What's the background music on the Sprite commercials with Kobe Bryant? You know, the ones showing people supposedly from his childhood who told him what to do, and instead, he obeyed his thirst (or whatever.
> It's got a sweet beat.
I want to know the music from his new commercial. The one with him boxing in the ring. Tell me the name of the artist and the song if you can. Thanks.

# 7 19 years ago

what kind of help do you need with it?

i have it on video tape.


> hi, sorry dont know. but please i need help with the sprite commercial where a boy buys to large clothes and then gets stuck in an escalator.
> the song ..
> thanx
> *//stephen
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