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Lexus Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anybody know the song from the Lexus ad that's showing in the UK right now?
It shows a guy driving his car into an empty plaza and gets out to buy a newspaper and is surrounded by people.
It sounds like the guy from Coldplay but it's very mellow and sung in a high pitched voice.
# 2 21 years ago

> Unfotunately I don,t, but if you find out please email me!
P.S. They did play this particular track on
Radio 2's- Steve Wrights in the afternoon show 2 weeks ago.

# 3 21 years ago

'Open Heart Zoo' by Martin Grech.

# 4 20 years ago

> Does anybody know the song from the Lexus ad that's showing in the UK right now?
: It shows a guy driving his car into an empty plaza and gets out to buy a newspaper and is surrounded by people.
: It sounds like the guy from Coldplay but it's very mellow and sung in a high pitched voice.

# 5 20 years ago

> : Does anybody know the song from the Lexus ad that's showing in the UK right now?
:> It shows a guy driving his car into an empty plaza and gets out to buy a newspaper and is surrounded by people.
:> It sounds like the guy from Coldplay but it's very mellow and sung in a high pitched voice.
I also thought that it was a Coldplay track but it is in fact by the Thievery Corporation. The track is called Until the Morning which is taken from The Richest Man in Babylon.
# 6 19 years ago

> Does anybody know the song from the Lexus ad that's showing in the UK right now?
> It shows a guy driving his car into an empty plaza and gets out to buy a newspaper and is surrounded by people.
> It sounds like the guy from Coldplay but it's very mellow and sung in a high pitched voice.
# 7 19 years ago

> Does anybody know the song from the Lexus ad that's showing in the UK right now?
> It shows a guy driving his car into an empty plaza and gets out to buy a newspaper and is surrounded by people.
> It sounds like the guy from Coldplay but it's very mellow and sung in a high pitched voice.
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