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doesn't anyone answer?

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# 1 20 years ago

doesnt anyone ever answer the questions on here??? i see hundreds of questions in the posts and no answers to 95% of them. unless its about lyrics. u should name this "song lyrics to tv commercials", because no one knows any names of actors or actresses who are in commercials. sour grapes u say ?? naw, just a ticked off realist who wonders why no one knows even where to look for tv commercial actors. LOL. and paleeeze don't tell me nobody knows even where to look. they are just too lazy to post an answer.
# 2 20 years ago

May I also suggest, maybe, the way this site works, its not exactly easy to follow. I've posted a couple of messages and can't find them again to follow the coversation. Like tonight I wrote a response to a message I saw from way back that happened to find me gagging to reply...when I come back to see if I got an answer...its way back and difficult to find. And tonight I cant even trace the thread that brought me here initially, and I admit, that one was about an advert theme song. Google brought me here, but its so difficult to follow, that I'll get fed up with it soon. Maybe theres a knack I'm not aware of, let me know if there is please...
# 3 20 years ago

See, even you, giving it the big wheenge....nobody answers d**n it, you don't even answer!

# 4 20 years ago

> See, even you, giving it the big wheenge....nobody answers d**n it, you don't even answer!
> Marilyn
HAHAHAHA very funny. i only come to this site every few days exactly for that reason, because no one answers anything here unless its about hip hop songs or rap music. go figure. so now the ball is in your court. have a good one.
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