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AXE Effect.. "I'm In Love" Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

I really want to know where I can find the name of the song in the new Axe Effect Commercial where it starts out with a guy with Axe on and a mosquito bites him and then the love gets spread all around and ends up in worms. I know someone saw this commercial because it is the best ever. SO if you could please tell me the name of the song and who sings it, I would be so thankful! Thanks Bye!
# 2 20 years ago

Hi, I've read from other posts at other boards that the music was especially made for the commercial :( , but I'm still trying to find somewhere to download the music or the whole commercial, so if anybodys knows a place, please post or email me at please!! Thanks :)
# 3 20 years ago

> Hi, I've read from other posts at other boards that the music was especially made for the commercial :( , but I'm still trying to find somewhere to download the music or the whole commercial, so if anybodys knows a place, please post or email me at please!! Thanks :)
# 4 20 years ago

If any of you guys out there do find out the name of the song from the Axe Effect commercial, would you mind letting me know also? Mail me at and put Axe Effect in the subject line. Thanks. Ames Iowa
# 5 20 years ago


I'm also lookin 4 any Axe ads, so if anybody out there knows where I can find some pls let me know. It would b greatly appreciated. You can contact me on Thankx.
# 6 20 years ago

> I really want to know where I can find the name of the song in the new Axe Effect Commercial where it starts out with a guy with Axe on and a mosquito bites him and then the love gets spread all around and ends up in worms. I know someone saw this commercial because it is the best ever. SO if you could please tell me the name of the song and who sings it, I would be so thankful! Thanks Bye!
# 7 20 years ago

> I really want to know where I can find the name of the song in the new Axe Effect Commercial where it starts out with a guy with Axe on and a mosquito bites him and then the love gets spread all around and ends up in worms. I know someone saw this commercial because it is the best ever. SO if you could please tell me the name of the song and who sings it, I would be so thankful! Thanks Bye!
# 8 20 years ago

Song is unreleased, only a 30 second snippet exists.

The music group is from France, they're named: Manuk

Name of snippet: You Give Me Love

Commercial name:  The Axe Effect - "Metamorphosis"

Info on Axe also known as Lynx in the UK can see seen here:

Here's the official commercial:

It'll download in your internet temp folder so you can retrieve it there if you want to save it permanently since there are no downloadable versions of the commercial online.  I guess someone can convert it and make it available.  The commercial saves as shockwave flash but you can open it in Windows Media Player.

Download the 30 second snippet (song only, no commercial):



Your welcome,
# 9 19 years ago

> Thanks so much!!!! you are a master, I am but a grasshopper...
# 10 19 years ago

>There is a better quality version of the
>commercial available for download at >
>The site isnt in english so look for the
>file named "axe.mpe" just right click it
>and save target as.
# 11 19 years ago

omg thnx so much ive been lookin all over for this song
# 12 19 years ago

> I really want to know where I can find the name of the song in the new Axe Effect Commercial where it starts out with a guy with Axe and he passes by the geek and he goes into the elevator where the girl eventually makes out with him.
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