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VH-1 & ATT Wireless Commercial Songs

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# 1 20 years ago

I'm looking for the name/artists of two songs: the first is a song played often during VH-1 commericals and/or specials. It has a soul/rap/trance feel to it, and contains lyrics like "dance all night" "Hey DJ";

The second song I'm looking for is from that great ATT wireless commerical where the couple is arguing, and eventually makes up through their wireless. I believe the end shot has the man "breaking" into her business meeting to apologize. The song itself is instrumental with a strong bluesy guitar element to it.

Thank you in advance.
# 2 20 years ago

I think the first song you're looking for is by Paul Oakenfold "Starry Eyed Suprise"

> I'm looking for the name/artists of two songs: the first is a song played often during VH-1 commericals and/or specials. It has a soul/rap/trance feel to it, and contains lyrics like "dance all night" "Hey DJ";
> The second song I'm looking for is from that great ATT wireless commerical where the couple is arguing, and eventually makes up through their wireless. I believe the end shot has the man "breaking" into her business meeting to apologize. The song itself is instrumental with a strong bluesy guitar element to it.
> Thank you in advance.
# 3 19 years ago

> I'm looking for the name/artists of two songs: the first is a song played often during VH-1 commericals and/or specials. It has a soul/rap/trance feel to it, and contains lyrics like "dance all night" "Hey DJ";
> The second song I'm looking for is from that great ATT wireless commerical where the couple is arguing, and eventually makes up through their wireless. I believe the end shot has the man "breaking" into her business meeting to apologize. The song itself is instrumental with a strong bluesy guitar element to it.
> Thank you in advance.
This may help.;dsessionid=G5ZKWVQWPZ2G5B4R0EHCFFA
# 4 19 years ago

> I'm looking for the name/artists of two songs: the first is a song played often during VH-1 commericals and/or specials. It has a soul/rap/trance feel to it, and contains lyrics like "dance all night" "Hey DJ";and "come on" also "iam going to big star"
> The second song I'm looking for is from that great ATT wireless commerical where the couple is arguing, and eventually makes up through their wireless. I believe the end shot has the man "breaking" into her business meeting to apologize. The song itself is instrumental with a strong bluesy guitar element to it.
> Thank you in advance.
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