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Searching for a song from GARNIER commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

I mean this spot with the song similar to "Breath" of TELEPOPMUSIK.... help me, what's the name of the song in the spot
# 2 20 years ago

> I mean this spot with the song similar to "Breath" of TELEPOPMUSIK.... help me, what's the name of the song in the spot

i think the song you are looking for is "Diamonds and Guns" by the Transplants.

search for it on Kazaa or WinMX - it's there.
# 3 19 years ago

> I mean this spot with the song similar to "Breath" of TELEPOPMUSIK.... help me, what's the name of the song in the spot
# 4 20 years ago

> I mean this spot with the song similar to "Breath" of TELEPOPMUSIK.... help me, what's the name of the song in the spot

It is diamonds and guns by the transplants
# 5 20 years ago

The song is called Pub Levis performed by Big Soul

You're welcome :)
# 6 19 years ago

it;s indead from the transplants. Nice to see finally a combine of the drummer of blink 182 and the guys from Rancid :)

> > I mean this spot with the song similar to "Breath" of TELEPOPMUSIK.... help me, what's the name of the song in the spot
> i think the song you are looking for is "Diamonds and Guns" by the Transplants.
> search for it on Kazaa or WinMX - it's there.
# 7 19 years ago

It's not Breathe by Telepopmusik. I need the new one, which is an instrumental and I cannot think of the name of it!
# 8 19 years ago

have you found this track yet?
I've been looking for that song for 2 weeks... no results. It's definitely none of Telepopmusic' songs,I've checked all:)
# 9 19 years ago

> I mean this spot with the song similar to "Breath" of TELEPOPMUSIK.... help me, what's the name of the song in the spot
> I'm looking for that song to and it's not the one called "diamonds and guns", that one comes from fructis shampoo, as you propably allready know. I meant the that comes from cream commercial(cream which is supposed to prevent you from getting wrinkledor something like that). Have any of You found out what is it's name? I'd be really grateful!
# 10 19 years ago

> > I mean this spot with the song similar to "Breath" of TELEPOPMUSIK.... help me, what's the name of the song in the spot
> > I'm looking for that song to and it's not the one called "diamonds and guns", that one comes from fructis shampoo, as you propably allready know. I meant the one that comes from cream commercial(cream which is supposed to prevent you from getting wrinkled or something of that kind). Have any of You found out what is it's name? I'd be really grateful!
# 11 19 years ago

> I mean this spot with the song similar to "Breath" of TELEPOPMUSIK.... help me, what's the name of the song in the spot
> I've checked Pub Levis-Big Soul and it's not the one I'm looking for neither.
# 12 19 years ago

> elastica connection
# 13 19 years ago

it's not 'connection' in this spot we're talking about...
# 14 19 years ago

# 15 19 years ago

The song is by the 80's group "Romeo Void." The song is entitled "Never Say Never." It plays in the current TV ad with the girl in bright red hair. Cool song, excellent group, nice ad.
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