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Honda Civic Car Wash song??

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# 1 20 years ago

Can anyone tell me artist/title of the song in the Honda Civic commercial where there's 4 different Civic's getting washed? It starts off sorta electronic-ish and at the very tail end I can hear some asian lyrics... any help would be appreciated!
# 2 20 years ago

approximatly december 2003 there was a commercial showing a young man walking on the parking lot of a beach checking out the women playing volleyball then bumps into the Honda(black) admiring it.the song is just too cool and i need to know who it sounds like he's saying in a real slurred way "whatcha man"!!!!.does anyone have a clue on this?
# 3 20 years ago

> all i no is that its called car waAH
Can anyone tell me artist/title of the song in the Honda Civic commercial where there's 4 different Civic's getting washed? It starts off sorta electronic-ish and at the very tail end I can hear some asian lyrics... any help would be appreciated!
# 4 19 years ago

The song is called Ocean Man by Ween
# 5 19 years ago

> ocean man by ween. glad to help
# 6 19 years ago

> approximatly december 2003 there was a commercial showing a young man walking on the parking lot of a beach checking out the women playing volleyball then bumps into the Honda(black) admiring it.the song is just too cool and i need to know who it sounds like he's saying in a real slurred way "whatcha man"!!!!.does anyone have a clue on this?
# 7 19 years ago

> The song is called Ocean Man by Ween
# 8 19 years ago

> Can anyone tell me artist/title of the song in the Honda Civic commercial where there's 4 different Civic's getting washed? It starts off sorta electronic-ish and at the very tail end I can hear some asian lyrics... any help would be appreciated!
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