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Who is the guy in the KoRn Thoughtless Video?

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# 1 20 years ago

Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
# 2 20 years ago

> Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> Thanks.

the guy's name in the Korn "Thoughtless"-Video is AARON PAUL! He was in "ER" (2003) and "Whatever It Takes". But you'll find much more information and pics at
Hope I could help you...
# 3 19 years ago

> Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> Thanks.
# 4 19 years ago

he's also known as the guy from the coke-spot
# 5 19 years ago

His name is Aaron Paul.....
# 6 19 years ago

> Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> Thanks.
# 7 19 years ago

> Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> Thanks.
He was a character in American Pie but we don't know his name sorry
# 8 19 years ago

> Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> Thanks
Hey I found out his name! Aaron Paul he is an actor but not very well known yet
# 9 19 years ago

korn thoughtless video
> Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> Thanks.
# 10 18 years ago

> > Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> > Thanks.
> I know who he is. Jon Davis's brother.
# 11 18 years ago

> > Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> > Thanks.
# 12 18 years ago

I'm not sure about his name, but he was in a movie in the 80's

> > Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> > Thanks.
# 13 18 years ago

> I'm not sure about his name, but he was in a movie in the 80's
> > > Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> > > Thanks.
> >
> His name is Aaron Paul
# 14 18 years ago


His name is Aaron Paul. You've probably seen Aaron in Coke commericals, or as the drunk guy in Van Wilder. He wasn't in a movie in the 80s. I promise I'm right because I was one of the extras he vomited on at the prom in the video. Fun stuff.

> I'm not sure about his name, but he was in a movie in the 80's
> > > Hey, I've been searching my buns off to find out the name of the guy featured in Korn's Thoughtless video. He looks so familiar and I cant put my finger on it. Almost everyone has seen him before. In the video he's the mistreated teen who vimits on everyone at prom.
> > > Thanks.
> >
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