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old commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

How do I find a commercial clip?
It is a GAP commercial (I think) from several months ago. It had a really good looking guy and all he would do is change shirts everyday but not jeans. I think the song was "Tempted by the fruit of another".
# 2 20 years ago

> How do I find a commercial clip?
> It is a GAP commercial (I think) from several months ago. It had a really good looking guy and all he would do is change shirts everyday but not jeans. I think the song was "Tempted by the fruit of another".
# 3 20 years ago

I am looking for the same clip! Its Raoul Bova in the commercial, hes sooooo hot!
# 4 20 years ago

> How do I find a commercial clip?
> It is a GAP commercial (I think) from several months ago. It had a really good looking guy and all he would do is change shirts everyday but not jeans. I think the song was "Tempted by the fruit of another".
# 5 20 years ago

> How do I find a commercial clip?
> It is a GAP commercial (I think) from several months ago. It had a really good looking guy and all he would do is change shirts everyday but not jeans. I think the song was "Tempted by the fruit of another".
# 6 20 years ago

> How do I find a commercial clip?
> It is a GAP commercial (I think) from several months ago. It had a really good looking guy and all he would do is change shirts everyday but not jeans. I think the song was "Tempted by the fruit of another".
# 7 20 years ago

> How do I find a commercial clip?
> It is a GAP commercial (I think) from several months ago. It had a really good looking guy and all he would do is change shirts everyday but not jeans. I think the song was "Tempted by the fruit of another".
# 8 20 years ago

> How do I find a commercial clip?
> It is a GAP commercial (I think) from several months ago. It had a really good looking guy and all he would do is change shirts everyday but not jeans. I think the song was "Tempted by the fruit of another".
# 9 19 years ago

> How do I find a commercial clip?
> it is an older clip with a guy who getting ready to go surfing in a pair of dockers pants. when he turns around he has a tatto on his back.
# 10 19 years ago

dan holand
> How do I find a commercial clip?
> It is a GAP commercial (I think) from several months ago. It had a really good looking guy and all he would do is change shirts everyday but not jeans. I think the song was "Tempted by the fruit of another".

the group was 10cc...
# 11 19 years ago

> How do I find a commercial clip?
> It is a GAP commercial (I think) from several months ago. It had a really good looking guy and all he would do is change shirts everyday but not jeans. I think the song was "Tempted by the fruit of another".
# 12 16 years ago

> > How do I find a commercial clip?
> > it is an older clip with a guy who getting ready to go surfing in a pair of dockers pants. when he turns around he has a tatto on his back.
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