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whats that song???

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# 1 20 years ago

Hey people, whats that song thats on the T.V. commercial, I think that it is David Gray, but i'm not sure. It goes someting like this" Do you know la la la that you have the most beautiful face," and thats all i know, somebody plese e-mail me the answer!!!
# 2 20 years ago

> Hey people, whats that song thats on the T.V. commercial, I think that it is David Gray, but i'm not sure. It goes someting like this" Do you know la la la that you have the most beautiful face," and thats all i know, somebody plese e-mail me the answer!!!
I did a google search and came up with this website and following info

Flaming Lips - Do You Realize? Lyrics


Artist Chart History
Reviews for this song


Do you realize
That you have the most beautiful face?
Do you realize
We're floating in space?
Do you realize
That happiness makes you cry?

Do you realize
That everyone you know someday will die?
And instead of saying all of your good-byes
Let them know you realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round

Do you realize?

Do you realize
That everyone you know someday will die?
And instead of saying all of your good-byes
Let them know you realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round

Do you realize
That you have the most beautiful face?

Do you realize?

# 3 20 years ago

Yes that's the song. It's the one they use on the mitsubishi galant commerical and they also use on it VH1 for one of their commercials.

> > Hey people, whats that song thats on the T.V. commercial, I think that it is David Gray, but i'm not sure. It goes someting like this" Do you know la la la that you have the most beautiful face," and thats all i know, somebody plese e-mail me the answer!!!
> ----------------
> I did a google search and came up with this website and following info
> Flaming Lips - Do You Realize? Lyrics
> Album:
> Artist Chart History
> Reviews for this song
> Lyrics:
> Do you realize
> That you have the most beautiful face?
> Do you realize
> We're floating in space?
> Do you realize
> That happiness makes you cry?
> Do you realize
> That everyone you know someday will die?
> And instead of saying all of your good-byes
> Let them know you realize that life goes fast
> It's hard to make the good things last
> You realize the sun doesn't go down
> It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
> Do you realize?
> Do you realize
> That everyone you know someday will die?
> And instead of saying all of your good-byes
> Let them know you realize that life goes fast
> It's hard to make the good things last
> You realize the sun doesn't go down
> It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
> Do you realize
> That you have the most beautiful face?
> Do you realize?
# 4 20 years ago

although, i downloaded that song by the flaming lips, and is not the one from the commercial. Thats for sure...
# 5 20 years ago

> hey guys that song is on the new movie how to deal.....called Do you Realize by the Flaming lips..... it might help if you go to the how to deal webpage

Peace Out
# 6 20 years ago

What is that song that goes, " I don't want to meet your friend, and I don't want to start over again. I just want our lives to be the same. " and then its like, " How can you smile with all those tears in your eyes, and tell me everything is wonderful now."
# 7 18 years ago

> What is that song that goes, " I don't want to meet your friend, and I don't want to start over again. I just want our lives to be the same. " and then its like, " How can you smile with all those tears in your eyes, and tell me everything is wonderful now."
> its by Everclear. its called "wonderful" i love that song. i cried the first time i heard it... i cried the second time i heard it... the third time, i got over it and didnt cry.
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