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Music in an ESPN commercial "Without Sports..."

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# 1 20 years ago

What's the music in the ESPN commercial that has a bunch of kids using a milkcrate for a basketball hoop, using rope for a touchdown line, etc. At the end it says "Without sports, how would we use what we've got?" or something like that.

The music sounds like a bunch of people hitting trash can lids and bottles and cans with sthingys. Mail back or post here. Thanks!
# 2 20 years ago

Junkman is the artist.

> What's the music in the ESPN commercial that has a bunch of kids using a milkcrate for a basketball hoop, using rope for a touchdown line, etc. At the end it says "Without sports, how would we use what we've got?" or something like that.
> The music sounds like a bunch of people hitting trash can lids and bottles and cans with sthingys. Mail back or post here. Thanks!
# 3 20 years ago

The Junkman (Donald Knaack)
Junk Music 2(album)
Abracadabra (track)
> Junkman is the artist.
> > What's the music in the ESPN commercial that has a bunch of kids using a milkcrate for a basketball hoop, using rope for a touchdown line, etc. At the end it says "Without sports, how would we use what we've got?" or something like that.
> >
> > The music sounds like a bunch of people hitting trash can lids and bottles and cans with sthingys. Mail back or post here. Thanks!
# 4 20 years ago

has anyone been able to find this commercial online? I want to download but cant find it. please let me know..

> The Junkman (Donald Knaack)
> Junk Music 2(album)
> Abracadabra (track)
> > Junkman is the artist.
> >
> >
> > > What's the music in the ESPN commercial that has a bunch of kids using a milkcrate for a basketball hoop, using rope for a touchdown line, etc. At the end it says "Without sports, how would we use what we've got?" or something like that.
> > >
> > > The music sounds like a bunch of people hitting trash can lids and bottles and cans with sthingys. Mail back or post here. Thanks!
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