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Nick at Nite/TV Land Commercial song!

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know what the song is called in this commercial.. I saw it on Nick at Nite but it was for both. I remember one part of it is when Denise tells everyone she's going to hillman on the Cosby's, and it's got tons of clips of shows in it. I also know it's in a movie so i'm really trying to think of what movie it's in too!!! please help me!
# 2 20 years ago

I really liked that song too and I found out that it's called "Something To Talk About" by Badly Drawn Boy from the the ABOUT A BOY album/soundtrack. When all else fails, just use a search engine by typing in the word "lyrics" followed by that song's lyrics. I love music and I've found a bunch of good songs by doing just that.
# 3 19 years ago

> Does anyone know what the song is called in this commercial.. I saw it on Nick at Nite but it was for both. I remember one part of it is when Denise tells everyone she's going to hillman on the Cosby's, and it's got tons of clips of shows in it. I also know it's in a movie so i'm really trying to think of what movie it's in too!!! please help me!

The name of the song on the commercial is "Sound Your Funky Horn" by KC and the Sunshine Band...
# 4 19 years ago

i think i nkow which one you're talking about. if it is then its "The Cars- Hello Again". hope im right. lates
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