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song in car commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

i've been waiting for this commercial to come on again so i could gather more details before i asked, but i haven't seen it in over a week!

it's the [american i think] car commercial where this car is driving down the road, the driver keeps getting out, and is replaced with someone else. and some voice comes in and says "we think that if everyone could drive a BLAH BLAH BLAH, they'd agree it's just about perfect."

anyhow, i've seen at least two different versions of that commercial that use a fantastic electronic song, anyone know what it is?
# 2 20 years ago

>I think it is Sade, and the lyrics are: "These are the best days of our lives".....that's all I know...please help
# 3 20 years ago

I'm also after´a song in a car commercial, I live in sweden so I don't know if it's broadcasted anywhere else. It's some volkswagen commercial where they show some old photos of stars. And then it stamds something like: "You don't have to be from the past to be a legend". What's the songs name?
# 4 19 years ago

> i've been waiting for this commercial to come on again so i could gather more details before i asked, but i haven't seen it in over a week!
> it's the [american i think] car commercial where this car is driving down the road, the driver keeps getting out, and is replaced with someone else. and some voice comes in and says "we think that if everyone could drive a BLAH BLAH BLAH, they'd agree it's just about perfect."
> anyhow, i've seen at least two different versions of that commercial that use a fantastic electronic song, anyone know what it is?
# 5 19 years ago

> i've been waiting for this commercial to come on again so i could gather more details before i asked, but i haven't seen it in over a week!
> it's the [american i think] car commercial where this car is driving down the road, the driver keeps getting out, and is replaced with someone else. and some voice comes in and says "we think that if everyone could drive a BLAH BLAH BLAH, they'd agree it's just about perfect."
> anyhow, i've seen at least two different versions of that commercial that use a fantastic electronic song, anyone know what it is?
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