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nip/tuck advert again... sorry!

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# 1 20 years ago

Hi! I'm from the UK, and I think we have a different advert for nip/tuck than the people in the States. I was wondering if anyone knows the music for the ad for Nip/Tuck on Sky One in the UK? It doesn't have any words just music, and it's driving me mad because I must have it!
# 2 20 years ago

It's Bloodsport by the wonderful Sneaker Pimps, I believe.
# 3 20 years ago

> Hi! I'm from the UK, looking for the music also.What I have found so far is Music by- James s.Levine
Theme by- The engine room
Music Supervision - For Team Neophonic
If you find anything further out please reply!

Thanks Gina
# 4 20 years ago

> Hi! I'm from the UK, and I think we have a different advert for nip/tuck than the people in the States. I was wondering if anyone knows the music for the ad for Nip/Tuck on Sky One in the UK? It doesn't have any words just music, and it's driving me mad because I must have it!
# 5 20 years ago

> im not positive but i think it might be bloodsports by the sneaker pimps.
# 6 20 years ago

The current theme used on sky ones nip/tuck series is Gus Gus - David............positive!
# 7 19 years ago

Hi! Im from Sweden! I have just seen the 3:rd episode of Nip Tuck, first season. (the one with the overweight girl who kills her self in the end) I´m just wondering who´s singing the song (beautiful or something) in the end of the episode when she kills her self? Would be very greatful if I got an answer. Thanks!
# 8 19 years ago

it's "So d**n Beautiful" by Poloroid
# 9 19 years ago

does anyone happen to know the name of the song and/or the artist that was playing in the season finale of this year - it played in the end when Christian got slashed. Thanks!
# 10 18 years ago

> Hi,
> does anyone happen to know the name of the song and/or the artist that was playing in the season finale of this year - it played in the end when Christian got slashed. Thanks!
# 11 18 years ago

> Hi,
> does anyone happen to know the name of the song and/or the artist that was playing in the season finale of this year - it played in the end when Christian got slashed. Thanks!
# 12 18 years ago

> Hi,
> does anyone happen to know the name of the song and/or the artist that was playing in the season finale of this year - it played in the end when Christian got slashed. Thanks!
Art Garfunkel - "ALL I KNOW"
# 13 18 years ago

> > Hi,
> > does anyone happen to know the name of the song and/or the artist that was playing in the season finale of this year - it played in the end when Christian got slashed. Thanks!
> >
> HI
the song is by Art Garfunkel, called All I Know.
Saw the finale last night, v cool. Found the music by using Shazam on the mobile.

# 14 18 years ago

hey! i'm also from the UK and know what music your on about! i love it also and want it but i just cant seem to find it anywhere! can anyone help please :D
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