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# 1 21 years ago

What's the song in the new Bmw 7 series commercial?!?! PLEASE HELP!!!
# 2 21 years ago

> What's the song in the new Bmw 7 series commercial?!?! PLEASE HELP!!!
Oh, and, it's a guy driving a silver BMW and the music consists of some trick, heavy bass.
# 3 21 years ago

> : What's the song in the new Bmw 7 series commercial?!?! PLEASE HELP!!!
> Oh, and, it's a guy driving a silver BMW and the music consists of some trick, heavy bass.
Hey, I second that! I just saw the commercial and I'd like to find that track too.
# 4 21 years ago

> What's the song in the new Bmw 7 series commercial?!?! PLEASE HELP!!!

i NEED to know too!!!!!

# 5 21 years ago

If you mean the ad with the car in the swimming pool and the girl 'swimming' around it, the music's by Boards Of Canada (WARP Records) and the track's called 'Kid For Today'. BTW the ad was done by London post agency The Mill.
# 6 21 years ago

Er, no. It's a different ad. This one has a silver BMW driving (mostly) right to left on the open road. Most of the commercial is sort of medium shots of the whole car. Don't really see any people distinctly.

: If you mean the ad with the car in the swimming pool and the girl 'swimming' around it, the music's by Boards Of Canada (WARP Records) and the track's called 'Kid For Today'. BTW the ad was done by London post agency The Mill.

# 7 21 years ago

> What's the song in the new Bmw 7 series commercial?!?! PLEASE HELP!!!

# 8 19 years ago

> > What's the song in the new Bmw 7 series commercial?!?! PLEASE HELP!!!
> Oh, and, it's a guy driving a silver BMW and the music consists of some trick, heavy bass.
# 9 19 years ago

> > What's the song in the new Bmw 7 series commercial?!?! PLEASE HELP!!!
> Oh, and, it's a guy driving a silver BMW and the music consists of some trick, heavy bass.
# 10 19 years ago

> > > What's the song in the new Bmw 7 series commercial?!?! PLEASE HELP!!!
> > Oh, and, it's a guy driving a silver BMW and the music consists of some trick, heavy bass.
> >
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