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special K cereal tv ad song

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# 1 21 years ago

Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
# 2 21 years ago

: Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin Gaye that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 3 21 years ago

Strawberry Letter 23, Jackie Brown.
Don't thank me, thank Drops of Jupiter at
# 4 20 years ago

> > It's been bugging me too! Brothers Johnson-Strawberry Letter 23
> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
> Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin **e that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 5 20 years ago

> > It's been bugging me too! Brothers Johnson-Strawberry Letter 23
> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
> Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin **e that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 6 20 years ago

> > It's been bugging me too! Brothers Johnson-Strawberry Letter 23
> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
> Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin **e that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 7 20 years ago

> > It's been bugging me too! Brothers Johnson-Strawberry Letter 23
> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
> Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin **e that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 8 20 years ago

> > It's been bugging me too! Brothers Johnson-Strawberry Letter 23
> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
> Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin **e that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 9 20 years ago

> > It's been bugging me too! Brothers Johnson-Strawberry Letter 23
> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
> Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin **e that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 10 20 years ago

> > It's been bugging me too! Brothers Johnson-Strawberry Letter 23
> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
> Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin **e that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 11 20 years ago

> > It's been bugging me too! Brothers Johnson-Strawberry Letter 23
> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
> Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin **e that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 12 20 years ago

> > It's been bugging me too! Brothers Johnson-Strawberry Letter 23
> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
> Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin **e that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 13 18 years ago

> > hello my love is by the brothers johnson, also had a big hit strawberry leteer 22 and get the funk out of my face.

> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
> Not absolutely sure since I only saw the commercial once, but the song Hello My Love sounds like it. I found a version by Marvin **e that sounds pretty close. And even if it's not, it's a good song :)
# 14 18 years ago

> >
> : Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? It's the ad where the man is eating chips,& the woman gets some special K with the strawberries to eat. The songs lyrics starts out singing "Are you ready for this"
# 15 17 years ago

> Who can tell me the name of the group who does the song in a current tv ad for Kelleog's Special K cereal? Sounds like a 70s or early 80s group...Doobie Brothers???
I don't basically remember.
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