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British Telecoms Tv Commercial Song

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# 1 21 years ago

I see this is mainly a US site,but I was wondering if anyone knows the name of that song... for the BT ads where the guy has been out to the boozer with his mates, then wakes up the next day... his wife asks 'Have a nice night?' and he responses with, 'Yea allright!' Then she plays back the answer machine message from the night before when he was drunk singing into the phone with his mates from the pub- 'ILOVE YOU BABY... Its all quite all right because ..I LOVE YOU BABY'... (which we see in flash back) Back in the bedroom, he's realized what he's done. Next, his wife demands that he remove 'THAT!' right away, pointing at a donkey standing at the foot of the bed.
SO if you know the song let me know.

# 2 18 years ago

> I see this is mainly a US site,but I was wondering if anyone knows the name of that song... for the BT ads where the guy has been out to the boozer with his mates, then wakes up the next day... his wife asks 'Have a nice night?' and he responses with, 'Yea allright!' Then she plays back the answer machine message from the night before when he was drunk singing into the phone with his mates from the pub- 'ILOVE YOU BABY... Its all quite all right because ..I LOVE YOU BABY'... (which we see in flash back) Back in the bedroom, he's realized what he's done. Next, his wife demands that he remove 'THAT!' right away, pointing at a donkey standing at the foot of the bed.
> SO if you know the song let me know.
# 3 18 years ago

> > I see this is mainly a US site,but I was wondering if anyone knows the name of that song... for the BT ads where the guy has been out to the boozer with his mates, then wakes up the next day... his wife asks 'Have a nice night?' and he responses with, 'Yea allright!' Then she plays back the answer machine message from the night before when he was drunk singing into the phone with his mates from the pub- 'ILOVE YOU BABY... Its all quite all right because ..I LOVE YOU BABY'... (which we see in flash back) Back in the bedroom, he's realized what he's done. Next, his wife demands that he remove 'THAT!' right away, pointing at a donkey standing at the foot of the bed.
> > SO if you know the song let me know.
> >
> >
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