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looking for a song title

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# 1 20 years ago

Dockers commercial where couple are on a subway ansd a guy bashes thru , splitting then up and leaving the,m on opposite sides of the door. It's a slow ballad song by a guy. I think the lyrics were 'I wasn't looking for love...then all at once it happened. Love came looking for me."
# 2 20 years ago

i'm pretty sure the track was a chet baker

since he didn't do that many vocals, it
shouldn't be that hard to find it.

you also may want to try the ad agency (foote cone and belding). they'd probably be able to tell you.

> Dockers commercial where couple are on a subway ansd a guy bashes thru , splitting then up and leaving the,m on opposite sides of the door. It's a slow ballad song by a guy. I think the lyrics were 'I wasn't looking for love...then all at once it happened. Love came looking for me."
# 3 20 years ago

Its a Beetle advert, i saw it ages ago and heard it on the radio, its like a ballad song, quite slow and i know the title has the word beautiful in it
# 4 18 years ago

the song is "That is the Day" by The The from the Soul Mining album. I hope that this helps.
> Dockers commercial where couple are on a subway ansd a guy bashes thru , splitting then up and leaving the,m on opposite sides of the door. It's a slow ballad song by a guy. I think the lyrics were 'I wasn't looking for love...then all at once it happened. Love came looking for me."
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