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BMW 525i TV Commercial Music

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know the title of the classical music (from an opera?) that is used in the current BMW 525i TV commercial? (A woman swerving through cars in disarray)
# 2 21 years ago

What opera?
# 3 21 years ago

'Lascia Ch'io Pianga' from the opera 'rinaldo' by handel.
enjoy its heavenly!
# 4 21 years ago

I studied voice as my minor in University and this was one of my favorite songs that I ever performed. I forgot about it and then heard it in this commercial a month ago and have been going crazy ever since trying to find it. I finally heard it again and remembered enough to email my old opera prof. and he told me the title. I saw your post the other day when I was searching for it so I thought that I would pass along the knowledge. It is an AMAZING song...I want to have in sung at my wedding next summer!
'Lascia ch'io pianga mia cruda sorte...' from
Handel's, Rinaldo.
# 5 21 years ago

Congratulations on your wedding.
But I suggest you to rethink on the wedding song idea. Because that particular aria's lyric is something like,
'Let me weep over
my cruel fate,
And that I long for freedom!
And that I long,
and that I long for freedom!
Let me weep over
my cruel fate,
And that I long for freedom!'
See what I mean?
# 6 20 years ago

It IS an amazing song. We were fortunate enough to see the great counter English tenor, James Bowman, sing it with the Cannes Symphony several years ago and were struck by the sadness and beauty of the song.
My husband, Matthew, adapted the music and recorded it as 'Fellow Travelers' (with new words by Keith Reid) on Procol Harum's new album, 'The Well's On Fire'.
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