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"mona lisa smile" tv commercial quote

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# 1 20 years ago

I recently saw a tv commercial for the movie "Mona Lisa Smile" where the Cranberries song is playing. It has a 3 line quote that says something about meeting people in your life, followed with the quote: "there are some memories in which time cannot erase" and ends with something about friends you will never forget. I was curious if anyone knew the entire quote, b/c it was beautiful and I would like to have it. thanks!
# 2 20 years ago

Office Max has a new commercial out where a gentelmen is delivering the mail to the offices and it ends with him getting on the elevator. I need to know the song that is playing during the commercial. It ROCKS.

# 3 20 years ago

Darrell Kinsey
> Office Max has a new commercial out where a gentelmen is delivering the mail to the offices and it ends with him getting on the elevator. I need to know the song that is playing during the commercial. It ROCKS.
> thanks
> cb
The Rubberband Man by the Spinners.
# 4 20 years ago

If you're talking about the commercial with the guy pushing the cart with a rubberband ball on it...the music is "Rubberband Man" by the Spinners.
> Office Max has a new commercial out where a gentelmen is delivering the mail to the offices and it ends with him getting on the elevator. I need to know the song that is playing during the commercial. It ROCKS.
> thanks
> cb
# 5 20 years ago

The song you're looking for is "Rubber Band Man" by the Spinners! It's a GREAT song and the commercial is a winner!!

> Office Max has a new commercial out where a gentelmen is delivering the mail to the offices and it ends with him getting on the elevator. I need to know the song that is playing during the commercial. It ROCKS.
> thanks
> cb
# 6 20 years ago

Hand me down my walkin cane,
thats the name of the song

Office Max has a new commercial out where a gentelmen is delivering the mail to the offices and it ends with him getting on the elevator. I need to know the song that is playing during the commercial. It ROCKS.
> thanks
> cb
# 7 20 years ago

Thanks, cb! I go crazy with laughter every time that ad comes on. Anyone know who the dancing man in the ad is? Thanks! foxyat55
# 8 20 years ago

THANK YOU!!! I've been looking forever. I love that song. Thank you so much.
# 9 20 years ago

THe song is called the rubberbandman by the spinners
# 10 20 years ago

Its of the best commercials I've seen in a long time. What really is good is that now they are shortening it. Tune just fires up and gets you rocking and it jumps all over the place. Anyone have a copy out here on the net?


> If you're talking about the commercial with the guy pushing the cart with a rubberband ball on it...the music is "Rubberband Man" by the Spinners.
> > Office Max has a new commercial out where a gentelmen is delivering the mail to the offices and it ends with him getting on the elevator. I need to know the song that is playing during the commercial. It ROCKS.
> >
> > thanks
> > cb
# 11 20 years ago

Does anyone know of a site where you can view the commercial?

> The song you're looking for is "Rubber Band Man" by the Spinners! It's a GREAT song and the commercial is a winner!!
> > Office Max has a new commercial out where a gentelmen is delivering the mail to the offices and it ends with him getting on the elevator. I need to know the song that is playing during the commercial. It ROCKS.
> >
> > thanks
> > cb
# 12 20 years ago

Half the reason that commercial rocks is because of the actor! He's hilarious! My 22-month old grand daughter loves it! lol
# 13 20 years ago

> THe song is called the rubberbandman by the spinners
# 14 20 years ago

Does anyone know who the young man is who dances his way through this commercial? He's great!
# 15 20 years ago


Is it possible to get a video or your "Rubberbandman" commercial? I absolutely love it. The guy is terrific and I love the music. Very clever. You must do more.
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