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Nip/Tuck song

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# 1 20 years ago

I was wondering... anyone happen to know the final song for the episode when Christian trades his girl for the Lamborghini? Female vocals, I don't remember any of the lyrics either...
# 2 20 years ago

Me again! I found out that it was the Cara Fitzgerald episode... any help would be much appreciated! Thanks
# 3 19 years ago

You can go to
and they list all the songs on the first season!
# 4 19 years ago

> I was wondering... anyone happen to know the final song for the episode when that fat girl shoots herself in the mouth with a gun and shes in her room with all these pictures of skinny girls? its female vocals and i know it has the words... "your so beautiful" in it. It's really mellow and slow... thanks!
# 5 19 years ago

Was hoping someone could help. I loved a few of the songs played in last night's episode. They sounded very "loungy" - somewhat jazzy like you are listening to a girl with a deep voice in a dark club drinking a stiff martini. Does that help for a description? I'd like to know the CD or artist from those songs.

# 6 18 years ago

> Was hoping someone could help. I loved a few of the songs played in last night's episode. They sounded very "loungy" - somewhat jazzy like you are listening to a girl with a deep voice in a dark club drinking a stiff martini. Does that help for a description? I'd like to know the CD or artist from those songs.
> Thanks!
# 7 18 years ago

> Was hoping someone could help. I loved a few of the songs played in last night's episode. They sounded very "loungy" - somewhat jazzy like you are listening to a girl with a deep voice in a dark club drinking a stiff martini. Does that help for a description? I'd like to know the CD or artist from those songs.
> Thanks!
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