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gap store glam song

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# 1 20 years ago

i was in the gap store and i heard a song sung by a girl, sounded sorta glam rocky and fashionable. i jotted down these lyrics which i think are from the chorus, but i couldnt hear too well

"we got a love so strong
baby let the beat go on
if it feels so good then it can't be wrong"

i am hoping against hope that someone will know this rad song...
# 2 20 years ago

after tons of searching on google an nuts i found out that its probably a swedish band and some more detailed lyrics are as follows

"tonight! my baby we've got a love so strong let the beat go on
it's alright! my baby if it feels so good then it can't be wrong"

this is killing me i WANt THIS SONG hehe
# 3 20 years ago

> after tons of searching on google an nuts i found out that its probably a swedish band and some more detailed lyrics are as follows
> "tonight! my baby we've got a love so strong let the beat go on
> it's alright! my baby if it feels so good then it can't be wrong"
Um..i work at the Gap and we play that song,a nd i've been lookin' for it too!! so if you get it give me a shout! thank sooooo much!!!!!
> this is killing me i WANt THIS SONG hehe
# 4 20 years ago

hey -- i work at the gap and our new tape has another song by the artist/band you are looking for. we think the band's name is "the sounds" but i have no idea what the name of the song is that you are looking for. "seven days a week" is the song on the gap tape now, and it's pretty good. hope that helps.
# 5 19 years ago

Hi! I was seaching Google for a song I heard the other day at the Gap store when I ran across your post stating that you work at one of the Gap stores. I'm looking for the title of a song by a guy. It's kind of mellow, and was described by my wife as sounding kinda like U2 or Depeche Mode band. I think I have seen an MTV video of the song before, and it was a tall guy walking along the beach while performing the song. I believe it's a British band. Do you have idea what the name of the song or the band may be? Thanks.
# 6 19 years ago

I think the band your talking about is Coldplay, Alex. the song is 'Yellow' of the album 'Parachutes' for which they won a grammy for including their later release "A rush of Blood to the Head"
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