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TV Smash

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# 1 12 years ago

Going to smash a tv. What would you use? A cinderblock, or a hammer?
# 2 12 years ago

If it's an older television, use a cinderblock! A hammer will just get yourself in the way of all the debris.
# 3 12 years ago

Use another tv to smash the main tv. Film it!
# 4 12 years ago

Use a steamroller!
# 5 12 years ago

A cinderblock didn't do anything to the television:
# 6 12 years ago

Whoa, that cinderblock should have shattered that screen! Is there footage of how that television set got wrecked?
# 7 12 years ago

Hahahaha! I like the reactions when the cinderblock breaks. I'd like to see how the tv ended up like that.
# 8 12 years ago

Here's how the television originally got destroyed:
# 9 12 years ago

Wow, way to ruin a great antique! What's swerving?
# 10 12 years ago

Yeah, I'm not familiar with what that is. That tv broke pretty well!
# 11 12 years ago

You should put the pieces back together and then smash it again.
I'm going to find me a tv and create a better smash.
# 12 12 years ago

Swerving is probably just another term for getting caught drinking.
# 13 12 years ago

Yeah, I searched around to see what swerving is, and my only conclusions is that it has to do with car racing (kind of like drifting). But I've also seen quite a few other people talking about swerving (or swrving), and it had nothing to do with racing.
# 14 12 years ago

There's a music channel out here called swrv. I don't think it's about that, but in the first video, it was written on the tv. I think he may have just been caught racing his car.
# 15 12 years ago

But he got in trouble for it, so I'm guessing it has to do with swerving in a car.
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