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Hey what kind of robotic dog is used in Janet Jackson's doesn't really matter video and where can i get one???

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# 1 23 years ago

Hey what kind of robotic dog was used in the Janet Jackson video for doesn't really matter?How can i get one??
# 2 23 years ago

> Hey what kind of robotic dog was used in the Janet Jackson video for doesn't really matter?How can i get one??
its made by sony. i think its only released in Japan. It costed like $1500 (american).
but in the video, they added some 'effects' to it, so it doesn't do half of the stuff that happens.
They made a cat version resently.
# 3 23 years ago

> : Hey what kind of robotic dog was used in the Janet Jackson video for doesn't really matter?How can i get one??
> its made by sony. i think its only released in Japan. It costed like $1500 (american).
I think it is named AIBO (Friend)
> but in the video, they added some 'effects' to it, so it doesn't do half of the stuff that happens.
> They made a cat version resently.
As far as I remeber the cat was not manufactured by Sony...

# 4 22 years ago

Wouldn't You Like To Know
In Janet Jackson's video the robotic dog's name is aibo (meaning pal). It is an expensive robot made by sony. For more info You can go to
-an aibo lover
P.S.-aibo does do everything that was shown in the video
# 5 20 years ago

> > Hey what kind of robotic dog was used in the Janet Jackson video for doesn't really matter?How can i get one??
> its made by sony. i think its only released in Japan. It costed like $1500 (american).
> but in the video, they added some 'effects' to it, so it doesn't do half of the stuff that happens.
> They made a cat version resently.
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