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Five Alive Song?

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# 1 22 years ago

Alright, you've all seen them. Those five alive commercials with a series of crazy-assed five second clips strung together that make no sense...
and then the closing shot is always swirling fruit around a five alive container. What the HELL is the song that plays during this last scene? It's the same for everyone of these commercials and it's driving me nuts.. sounds sooooo good and I crave it!

# 2 20 years ago

look around at
you will see the commercial

# 3 19 years ago

> Alright, you've all seen them. Those five alive commercials with a series of crazy-assed five second clips strung together that make no sense...
> and then the closing shot is always swirling fruit around a five alive container. What the HELL is the song that plays during this last scene? It's the same for everyone of these commercials and it's driving me nuts.. sounds sooooo good and I crave it!
> we are all drawn to the five alive song..and i must have it but it is very hard to find ...doesnt anyone know what it is???
# 4 19 years ago

> Alright, you've all seen them. Those five alive commercials with a series of crazy-assed five second clips strung together that make no sense...
> and then the closing shot is always swirling fruit around a five alive container. What the HELL is the song that plays during this last scene? It's the same for everyone of these commercials and it's driving me nuts.. sounds sooooo good and I crave it!
# 5 18 years ago
# 6 18 years ago

That tune is called "Papa's Got A Brand New Pigbag" from the group Pigbag, a short-lived "post-punk" group of the 1980s.

> > Alright, you've all seen them. Those five alive commercials with a series of crazy-assed five second clips strung together that make no sense...
> > and then the closing shot is always swirling fruit around a five alive container. What the HELL is the song that plays during this last scene? It's the same for everyone of these commercials and it's driving me nuts.. sounds sooooo good and I crave it!
> >
> >
> >
# 7 18 years ago

Papa's Got a Brand New Pigbag is not the song in the Five Alive commercial. It sounds like Pigbag, but it is not that song.

> That tune is called "Papa's Got A Brand New Pigbag" from the group Pigbag, a short-lived "post-punk" group of the 1980s.
> > > Alright, you've all seen them. Those five alive commercials with a series of crazy-assed five second clips strung together that make no sense...
> > > and then the closing shot is always swirling fruit around a five alive container. What the HELL is the song that plays during this last scene? It's the same for everyone of these commercials and it's driving me nuts.. sounds sooooo good and I crave it!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
# 8 18 years ago

> > Alright, you've all seen them. Those five alive commercials with a series of crazy-assed five second clips strung together that make no sense...
> > and then the closing shot is always swirling fruit around a five alive container. What the HELL is the song that plays during this last scene? It's the same for everyone of these commercials and it's driving me nuts.. sounds sooooo good and I crave it!
> >
> >
> >
# 9 18 years ago

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