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Mystery Xmas Tune in Volvo Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Can anyone identify the Christmas tune in the new Volvo commercials? It's a bouncy tune I first heard some 20 years ago, very 60's pop sounding, in the same vein (more or less) as Fanfare for Strings. You hear some Christmas bells, then a woman singing a high pitched melody. No words, just 'oooohs'. Please help! This has been driving me nuts for years and years!
# 2 20 years ago

I also seek the name of this tune. I suspected Bert Kampfert, but I haven't been able to locate the recording.

> Can anyone identify the Christmas tune in the new Volvo commercials? It's a bouncy tune I first heard some 20 years ago, very 60's pop sounding, in the same vein (more or less) as Fanfare for Strings. You hear some Christmas bells, then a woman singing a high pitched melody. No words, just 'oooohs'. Please help! This has been driving me nuts for years and years!
# 3 20 years ago

>Its from the album "Winter wonderland" i think

Can anyone identify the Christmas tune in the new Volvo commercials? It's a bouncy tune I first heard some 20 years ago, very 60's pop sounding, in the same vein (more or less) as Fanfare for Strings. You hear some Christmas bells, then a woman singing a high pitched melody. No words, just 'oooohs'. Please help! This has been driving me nuts for years and years!
# 4 20 years ago

OMG!!1 I Think it's called teh arsi doo boo quartet. ooohh - aaaaah.
# 5 20 years ago

It's Bert Kaempfert - Holiday for Bells from the Christmas Wonderland Album.
# 6 20 years ago

A Bert Kaempfert lover!
It is Bert Kaempfert and it is called "Holiday for Bells". It is on his Christmas Wonderland album.
# 7 20 years ago

Thank you so much for letting everyone know who the song is by. Have been going nuts searching for it with no luck. Again, thank you
# 8 20 years ago

i couldnt believe that i was not the only one searching in vain for the artist of this song...the back up music to a commercial yet! :)
Thank you for identifying the artist and for saving my santity! I have been searching for the answer to this for years! Unbelievable isnt it? PS My husband thanks you too!
# 9 20 years ago

What about the most recent volvo suv commercial? I think the lyrics to the song are "dance all night to this dj" or is kind of techno sounding.
# 10 19 years ago

What is the name of the band in the new Volvo 40 ad... not the rap one but the one with the silver volvo,
# 11 17 years ago

DO you know wherer I can see this commercial on line? I haven't seen it on TV yet.

> Can anyone identify the Christmas tune in the new Volvo commercials? It's a bouncy tune I first heard some 20 years ago, very 60's pop sounding, in the same vein (more or less) as Fanfare for Strings. You hear some Christmas bells, then a woman singing a high pitched melody. No words, just 'oooohs'. Please help! This has been driving me nuts for years and years!
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