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REPOST: Actress in Volkswagen Jetta Ad?

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# 1 22 years ago

I'm reposting this question, because last time it devolved into a very lame, off-topic flamewar between a couple of idiots. (See the thread below if you're bored.)
Anyway...Volkswagen has an older (circa 2000) Jetta ad they're running again. It's the one where a man is so awed by the fact he can roll down the windows via the keylock, he pulls his wife outside in her bathrobe and towel on her head to show her.
Does anyone know who the actress is?

# 2 21 years ago

I too would like to know who this actress is. A friend and I are totally convinced that this same actress is in another commercial for Tim Hortons Iced Cappacino. She and a guy are drinking iced capps and when she's done hers the guy asks if she is going to finish - he then grabs the empty cup and sucks every last drop of joe out of it. She may also be in a 1-800-c-o-l-l-e-c-t commercial too, but not tatally sure. Being captivated by her beauty keeps the question alive...
# 3 21 years ago

I too would like to know who this actress is. A friend and I are totally convinced that this same actress is in another commercial for Tim Hortons Iced Cappacino. She and a guy are drinking iced capps and when she's done hers the guy asks if she is going to finish - he then grabs the empty cup and sucks every last drop of joe out of it. She may also be in a 1-800-c-o-l-l-e-c-t commercial too, but not tatally sure. Being captivated by her beauty keeps the question alive...
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