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2004 volvo xc90 commercial song!!??

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# 1 20 years ago

wats the artist/title of the song that plays in the 2004 volvo commercial where they show all the new 2004 volvos including the volvo xc70?? its just a guitar riff that plays through the whole commercial in the background.
# 2 20 years ago

>I feel your pain, I'm going nuts with that guitar riff goin' through my brain, I must have that song. Oh for the love of God, someone just tell me what it's called. Just to be sure the song I'm talking about is playing right now, at this site
in a flash movie. Please help me!
# 3 20 years ago

> >I feel your pain, I'm going nuts with that guitar riff goin' through my brain, I must have that song. Oh for the love of God, someone just tell me what it's called. Just to be sure the song I'm talking about is playing right now, at this site
> in a flash movie. Please help me!

Starry Eyed Surprise is the name of it by Paul Oakenfold.
# 4 20 years ago

> wats the artist/title of the song that plays in the 2004 volvo commercial where they show all the new 2004 volvos including the volvo xc70?? its just a guitar riff that plays through the whole commercial in the background.
# 5 17 years ago

> wats the artist/title of the song that plays in the 2004 volvo commercial where they show all the new 2004 volvos including the volvo xc70?? its just a guitar riff that plays through the whole commercial in the background.
# 6 17 years ago

> > wats the artist/title of the song that plays in the 2004 volvo commercial where they show all the new 2004 volvos including the volvo xc70?? its just a guitar riff that plays through the whole commercial in the background.
> >
# 7 16 years ago

> > wats the artist/title of the song that plays in the 2004 volvo commercial where they show all the new 2004 volvos including the volvo xc70?? its just a guitar riff that plays through the whole commercial in the background.
> >
# 8 17 years ago

> > wats the artist/title of the song that plays in the 2004 volvo commercial where they show all the new 2004 volvos including the volvo xc70?? its just a guitar riff that plays through the whole commercial in the background.
> >
# 9 16 years ago

Isn't it I Ador eyou by Melpo Mene?
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