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# 1 20 years ago

hey, what's the song from that Heineken beer comercial where the guy is standing at the fridge and him and some girl reach for the same beer and then at the end he gives it to her and 'the perfect gentlemen' appears at the bottom of the page. ?
# 2 20 years ago

i would also like to know that
# 3 20 years ago

> hey, what's the song from that Heineken beer comercial where the guy is standing at the fridge and him and some girl reach for the same beer and then at the end he gives it to her and 'the perfect gentlemen' appears at the bottom of the page. ?
> thanks.
# 4 20 years ago

> hey, what's the song from that Heineken beer comercial where the guy is standing at the fridge and him and some girl reach for the same beer and then at the end he gives it to her and 'the perfect gentlemen' appears at the bottom of the page. ?
> thanks.
# 5 20 years ago

what's the title of the song from that Heineken beer comercial where the girl was reaching out for this carton of heineken cans on some shelf n then this guy came he reached for the beer then he walked off. leaving the girl empty handed.

# 6 20 years ago

> > hey, what's the song from that Heineken beer comercial where the guy is standing at the fridge and him and some girl reach for the same beer and then at the end he gives it to her and 'the perfect gentlemen' appears at the bottom of the page. ?
> > thanks.
> >
# 7 20 years ago

> > hey, what's the song from that Heineken beer comercial where the guy is standing at the fridge and him and some girl reach for the same beer and then at the end he gives it to her and 'the perfect gentlemen' appears at the bottom of the page. ?
> > thanks.
> >
# 8 20 years ago

> what's the title of the song from that Heineken beer comercial where the girl was reaching out for this carton of heineken cans on some shelf n then this guy came he reached for the beer then he walked off. leaving the girl empty handed.
> thanx
# 9 20 years ago

> hey, what's the song from that Heineken beer comercial where the guy is standing at the fridge and him and some girl reach for the same beer and then at the end he gives it to her and 'the perfect gentlemen' appears at the bottom of the page. ?
> thanks.
# 10 20 years ago

> > what's the title of the song from that Heineken beer comercial where the girl was reaching out for this carton of heineken cans on some shelf n then this guy came he reached for the beer then he walked off. leaving the girl empty handed.
> >
> > thanx
# 11 20 years ago

Hey, guys,
here´s my discovery!!
song: "So happy together"
Band: Turtles
I took more than an hour to find this out!!!
Have fun!!
# 12 20 years ago

Hey, guys,
here´s my discovery!!
song: "So happy together"
Band: Turtles
I took more than an hour to find this out!!!
Have fun!!
(All 12 messages )

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