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who are the girls from the "sheer blonde" commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

who are the two blondes who are singing from the commercial trying to sell a product called sheer blonde?
# 2 20 years ago

Simply put; those girls are...
I don't know if they are real recording artists or if they are just actresses playing singers just for the sheer blonde commercial. But they are definately pornostar material!- they just need less idiotic hairstyles. Alexandra and Brittany Smith are NOT their real names by the way.. PPP
*Wonder which one emerged from the pool all slicked down and naked wet...(NOW THAT's THE LOOK!) Alex or Brit?
# 3 20 years ago

This is a copy of a post related to these two babes from
They are for this guy's ( line of hair care products... From another site: The 'Sheer Blonde' commercials. Alex and Brit are the twin daughters of Gail Federici, who is President and 50% owner of the company that produces the product. (The company was bought out last year so it's unclear if there will be any more commercials featuring them, and how much of a role Federici will play with the company.)

Nepotisim is ugly. I think they are singing the 'i love you love you love you' crap to their dad for getting them a jo

# 4 20 years ago

> who are the two blondes who are singing from the commercial trying to sell a product called sheer blonde?
# 5 20 years ago

> who are the two blondes who are singing from the commercial trying to sell a product called sheer blonde?
> what is the song called ?
# 6 20 years ago

> Simply put; those girls are...
> ...HOT!!
> I don't know if they are real recording artists or if they are just actresses playing singers just for the sheer blonde commercial. But they are definately pornostar material!- they just need less idiotic hairstyles. Alexandra and Brittany Smith are NOT their real names by the way.. PPP
> *Wonder which one emerged from the pool all slicked down and naked wet...(NOW THAT's THE LOOK!) Alex or Brit?
# 7 20 years ago

> who are the two blondes who are singing from the commercial trying to sell a product called sheer blonde?
# 8 20 years ago

so what else are they doing now that they have become famous on the Sheer Blonde commercials
# 9 20 years ago

so what else are they doing now that they have become famous on the Sheer Blonde commercials
# 10 19 years ago

I once had a threesome w/ alex and brit, and let me tell you...HOT STUFF! first they did some freaky stuff w/ each other (stuff i can't print here), then they brought it all back to ME, sheer blonde style. if ya'll are wondering how it was, don't worry...i'll be selling the home videos to E!, penthouse, hustler, playboy, sun, and enquirer by summertime. BE PATIENT!
# 11 19 years ago

Would someone please send me a picture of Alex and Brit? I want to cut my hair like them!

Thanks bunches!

# 12 18 years ago

They are Alex & Brit Smith known as the "Sheer Blonde Twins"
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