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Actress/Model in Volkswagen Jetta commercial?

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# 1 22 years ago

Volkswagen has an older (circa 2000) Jetta ad they're running again. It's the one where a man is so awed by the fact he can roll down the windows via the keylock, he pulls his wife outside in her bathrobe and towel on her head to show her.
Does anyone know who the actress is?

# 2 22 years ago

Sorry Sam, i'm drawing a total blank on the hottie in that Jetta Ad, but she kinda, i repeat, kinda looks like Leslie Bibb, but younger and finer! I'm Jonesin' 4 the ladies in the Montero Sport w/ '20th Century Boy' trak, and the British cutie in the Orbitz Gum AD!
# 3 22 years ago

Dean Ablo
Don't fuck with the dark side friend.

# 4 22 years ago

Dude! Who Killed The Lights In H
# 5 22 years ago

Mall Security
I met your mother last night. Her cunt was dry at first, but after some stray dog lapped at it for a while when she was passed out it got going. Then we all watched as she drunkenly staggered across the mall looking for your buddies. 'I'm a crack whore' she cried 'fuck for a buck?'.

# 6 22 years ago

No Wonder You're Mall Security!
'Change a few words and 'it' thinks it's original!

# 7 22 years ago

Mall Security
Shit man, your momma came back to the mall last nite. She was holding a video tape in her hand - 'suck for a buck or watch my movie for ten man' she screamed across the mall. Security was quick to pin her down and steal the tape off her. They played it on the surveilance screens and what a sight - her and you fucking in the garage - are you not worried your pop will see her films? Man I bet he's pissed - ahhh but wait a minute - who was holding the camera - shit it mustv've been poppa!

# 8 22 years ago

They Actually Pay Security For T
Take Another 4 Dayz and Waste More Of Your Time!
# 9 22 years ago

Mall Security
No problem dude, your momma was back quicker this time. There is a hot dog stall at the corner of the mall and your momma was lookin' real hungry. The vendor sticks his cock between the hot dog bun and your momma was just about to take a big bite. He starts laughing at her - 'Don't bite it you old whore - my cock is inside it!' - 'I know' says your mom 'I didn't want no fuckin' dumb hot dawg'. Then she runs off as she sees a group of kids come into the mall with their weekly allowance - that should keep her sucking for the next two or three days. Happy Easter.

# 10 22 years ago

I Think There's A Position 4 You
Don't Hate, Masterbate! LOL!

# 11 22 years ago

Mall Staff
I don't give a fuck about what you say, the truth is that I saw your mom as well jackass. She is a whore but theres no reason to get down on her - whore serve a purpose. Let that whore live free.

# 12 22 years ago

Mall Security
You have a filthy mouth son. You will never make it as a security guard.
# 13 22 years ago

J Lydon
Anger is an energy.

# 14 21 years ago

> Volkswagen has an older (circa 2000) Jetta ad they're running again. It's the one where a man is so awed by the fact he can roll down the windows via the keylock, he pulls his wife outside in her bathrobe and towel on her head to show her.
> Does anyone know who the actress is?

# 15 21 years ago

:I'm Jonesin' 4 the ladies in the Montero Sport
: w/ '20th Century Boy' trak, and the British
: cutie in the Orbitz Gum AD!
If you were curious, the name of the girl driving in her Montero Sport is Pia Loyola, according to the ad agency.
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