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saab 9-3 commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

There is a direct link between a right foot and a smile, maybe thats why people that test drive a saab usually buy one, this is a state of indepedence, welcome.
And also talks about a world of where v-4s accellerate like v-8s and has shots of the car driving on some green country road.
I also have a recorded video of it, here it is if you want to see which commercial I'm talking about:
If anyone knows who makes that track and what it's called, I would really appreciate it, I love that beat. Thank you in advance.
# 2 20 years ago

ok never mind people, sorry for asking but it turns out saab said it was made for them.
# 3 20 years ago

Dig the tune, too. What a lot of cool bands I've uncovered this last year because of (mostly) car commercials. A trend so many well-chosen tracks for motion picture soundtracks.

Anyway, I'd still love to snake a copy of your mpeg. It either doesn't exist on your server (did Saab get to you?) and/or you don't allow anonymous logins.

Email when you have a sec. - upland, ca.
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