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kohl's commercial jingle

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# 1 20 years ago

I was wondering if any one knew what the song on the new kohl's holiday commercial is?
# 2 20 years ago

> I was wondering if any one knew what the song on the new kohl's holiday commercial is?
Are you referring to 'Love will keep us together' by Captain & Tennille?!?!?!?

# 3 20 years ago

> I was wondering if any one knew what the song on the new kohl's holiday commercial is?
# 4 20 years ago

> I was wondering if any one knew what the song on the new kohl's holiday commercial is?
Captain & Tennille - Love Will Keep Us Together
# 5 20 years ago

> > I was wondering if any one knew what the song on the new kohl's holiday commercial is?
> Are you referring to 'Love will keep us together' by Captain & Tennille?!?!?!?
> That "jingle" is the 1975 Grammy award-winning Record of the Year, "Love Will Keep Us Together", performed by the Captain and Tennille. In one of the Kohl's commercials, you can see Toni Tennille standing in a doorway with a bunch of carolers singing the song. Interestingly, it is the first pop hit ever to have two versions of the same song on the charts at the same time (their Spanish version, "Por Amor Viviremos" made it into the Top 50 when the English version was in the Top Ten.) It remained the #1 song in America for a full month in 1975 and remains one of the finest arrangements in pop music. It's a very contagious tune!
# 6 20 years ago

> > I was wondering if any one knew what the song on the new kohl's holiday commercial is?
> Are you referring to 'Love will keep us together' by Captain & Tennille?!?!?!?
Oh, No, I can't believe you didn't know the song on the Kohl's commercial was Love Will Keep Us Together. You must be a youngster. LWKUT sold over 3 million copies, so did you like the song? Kinda catchy huh?
# 7 20 years ago

Do you know the name of the song about the Ice Cream Man on a Kohl's commercial?
# 8 20 years ago

> I was wondering if any one knew what the song on the new kohl's holiday commercial is?
# 9 20 years ago

> I was wondering if any one knew what the song on the new kohl's holiday commercial is? or the older one..about the ice cream man.
# 10 18 years ago

> I was wondering if any one knew what the song on the new kohl's holiday commercial is?
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