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New Shaq commercial: song at end?

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# 1 20 years ago

the new TNT commercial promoting the NBA, has the little kids singing to shaq, then whats the song at the end playing in the backround as the announcer talks??? (i've heard this song before in the Lord of the Rings commercial about the new game for the new movie.) ANYONW KNOW???
# 2 20 years ago

havent seen teh commercial, looking for that lord of the rings video game commercial song my self, heard that song in the movie Requim for a dream, look there
# 3 20 years ago

I FINALLY FOUND THE D@MN SONG. Apparently they remixed the song by Requiem For A Dream for the Two Towers. So that's all you have to look for and you will stumble across it. I found it on KaZaA (can i say that?) but anyways, it kicks ass. Peeace.
# 4 20 years ago

ive heard the song from the lord of the rings commercial, if you download the soundtrack for the movie 'requiem for a dream' it has parts of that song in it. im still looking for the composer and name of the song. i wont be checking this post so if u find out anything about this, email me at thanks
# 5 20 years ago

It is called the 'summer overture' by Clint Mansell

# 6 20 years ago

> what is the main tune of the film called and who released it.It is the one of the lord of the rings : return of the king game.
I would appreciate any help you can give as i need that tune as it is a top tune.
# 7 20 years ago

> havent seen teh commercial, looking for that lord of the rings video game commercial song my self, heard that song in the movie Requim for a dream, look there
# 8 20 years ago

> havent seen teh commercial, looking for that lord of the rings video game commercial song my self, heard that song in the movie Requim for a dream, look there
# 9 20 years ago

> havent seen teh commercial, looking for that lord of the rings video game commercial song my self, heard that song in the movie Requim for a dream, look there
# 10 20 years ago

> the new TNT commercial promoting the NBA All Star game has the little kids singing "The East be nimble the east be quick..." What are the rest of the words they are singing? ANYONW KNOW???
# 11 20 years ago

> > what is the main tune of the film called and who released it.It is the one of the lord of the rings : return of the king game.
> I would appreciate any help you can give as i need that tune as it is a top tune.
> >
# 12 20 years ago

A friend asked me to find out the same thing, this web page will give you the soundtrack.

the song he is looking for is a classical song that plays throughout the film, if you know what that song is and where i can download it on mp3, let us know,

all the best.

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