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Polar Ice Vodka music

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# 1 20 years ago

jazzy, house-y. nice.
an original composition for the show? or another artist?
any details would be awesome.
# 2 20 years ago

> jazzy, house-y. nice.
> an original composition for the show? or another artist?
> any details would be awesome.
Did you get any info on the Polar Ice Vodka track? I've been looking everywhere for the artist and song name (I hope it wasnt created solely for the commercial).Let me know if you did. Thanks.
# 3 20 years ago

The music was created by a band called 'bonspiel'...the track is called 'poetry house' and has been liscenced by Corby distilleries for the Polar Ice Campaign.

Bonspiel is Chris Byrne and Bradley Walsh composers and producers who enjoy recording and the occasional rare live performance. As a live act they appear on stage supported by Greg Dekker (keyboards), Keith White (bass, guitar, keyboards, woodwinds, percussion), and Jesse Capon (drums). As a live act they have been supported by house legends DJ's Junior Sanchez and Stacey Pullen among others.

Ther debut DVD of Bonspiel can be expected for spring of '04, and a vinyl pre-release early in the new year. Currently the band is mastering the 14 tracks expected to be released next year...

If you would like more information on bonspiel e-mail them at to added to their mailing list.

Thanks for inquiring! Hope this helps.

# 4 20 years ago

I have been looking all over the net for the name of this song and the band. I emailed the producers the commercial but they haven't emailed me back...and it's been almost a year now... :) thank you
# 5 20 years ago

> > jazzy, house-y. nice.
> > an original composition for the show? or another artist?
> > any details would be awesome.
> >
> Did you get any info on the Polar Ice Vodka track? I've been looking everywhere for the artist and song name (I hope it wasnt created solely for the commercial).Let me know if you did. Thanks.

Bonspiel is a Canadian band and they rock!!
want some?
# 6 20 years ago

> > jazzy, house-y. nice.
> > an original composition for the show? or another artist?
> > any details would be awesome.
> >
> Did you get any info on the Polar Ice Vodka track? I've been looking everywhere for the artist and song name (I hope it wasnt created solely for the commercial).Let me know if you did. Thanks.

Bonspiel is a Canadian band and they rock!!
want some?
# 7 20 years ago

I'd love to get my hands on that track and more. Is there no web site?
> The music was created by a band called 'bonspiel'...the track is called 'poetry house' and has been liscenced by Corby distilleries for the Polar Ice Campaign.
> Bonspiel is Chris Byrne and Bradley Walsh composers and producers who enjoy recording and the occasional rare live performance. As a live act they appear on stage supported by Greg Dekker (keyboards), Keith White (bass, guitar, keyboards, woodwinds, percussion), and Jesse Capon (drums). As a live act they have been supported by house legends DJ's Junior Sanchez and Stacey Pullen among others.
> Ther debut DVD of Bonspiel can be expected for spring of '04, and a vinyl pre-release early in the new year. Currently the band is mastering the 14 tracks expected to be released next year...
> If you would like more information on bonspiel e-mail them at to added to their mailing list.
> Thanks for inquiring! Hope this helps.
> Management
> Bonspiel
# 8 20 years ago

I too am looking to get any info on the Polar Ice Vodka track? I've been looking everywhere for the artist and song name. Please let me know
# 9 20 years ago
# 10 18 years ago

The music was created by Canadian electronica band 'bonspiel' and is an extraction from a longer original track that was liscenced to Corby's for Polar Ice Vodka...go to for more info on bonspiel's commercial work. hope this helps. send us an address and we will send you some music.

> > jazzy, house-y. nice.
> > an original composition for the show? or another artist?
> > any details would be awesome.
> >
> Did you get any info on the Polar Ice Vodka track? I've been looking everywhere for the artist and song name (I hope it wasnt created solely for the commercial).Let me know if you did. Thanks.
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