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# 1 20 years ago

can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)
# 2 20 years ago

> can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)

# 3 20 years ago

Romania Ruiz
> can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)

# 4 20 years ago

> can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)

# 5 20 years ago

> can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)

# 6 20 years ago

> can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)
# 7 20 years ago

who is andrew shimmer
# 8 20 years ago

> > can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)
> >
> hi andrew i want 2 say know im d big fans of ur i like u a lot
# 9 20 years ago

well,actually i don't know. i'm just one of your fans and wanna keep in touch w/u. I'm hoping 4 ur reply. thanx!
# 10 20 years ago

> can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)
> can you find the tagalog lyrics of endless love ii winter sonata.... pls ! ill wait 4 your response ty!

# 11 20 years ago

> > can you find the tagalog lyrics of endless love ii winter sonata.... pls ! ill wait 4 your response ty!

# 12 20 years ago

> can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)
# 13 20 years ago

> > can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)
> hello pede po penge ng lyrics ng opening song ng endless love 2 winter sonata,ung tagalog version pls pls!
# 14 20 years ago

> > can you find the lyrics of 'twin hears' & 'kakabakaba' songs of gma channel 7 and the person- andrew shcimmer of kakabakaba in gma channel 7 too. i'llwait for your response if you already found out all of these things. thank you very much! (please inform me!)
> >
# 15 20 years ago

Hey! eto na ung lyrics ng kakabakaba na hinahanap mo, ako guzto ko naman ng lyrics ng dolphin bay o kya kahit ano na lang na pwede mong kapalit sa bi** kong lyrics... to show your gratitude.... plz. ang mga favorite kong movies ay dolphin bay and kakabakaba...

"Kakabakaba theme Song"
Meron isang mundong hindi mo nakikita
Kwento ng pag-ibig na hindi maganda
pag-ibig na tapat at pag-ibig na wagas
nilamon ng dilim naligaw ng landas
ngunit hindi lahat ng bakas ay nawala
anong misteryo nga kaya ang dito'y nagmula
pitong kapangyarihan n**on ay nakawala handa na ba kayo eto na ang simula.....

Kakabakaba kakabakaba....(repeat several times)
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