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The promise series.

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# 1 17 years ago

I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.

Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 2 17 years ago

> I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 3 17 years ago

> > I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> >
> > Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 4 17 years ago

> I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 5 17 years ago

> I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 6 17 years ago

> I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 7 17 years ago

> > I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> >
> > Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 8 17 years ago

> > I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> >
> > Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
> caroi
# 9 17 years ago

> I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 10 17 years ago

> > I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> >
> > Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 11 17 years ago

> I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 12 17 years ago

> > > I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> > >
> > > Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
> >
# 13 17 years ago

where can i buy the DVDs
# 14 17 years ago

> I would like to know more about the story of Yna and Angelo, are they going to be together? And how about Amour and Edwardo what is going to happen btn them.
> Is Yna become a supermodel? And how about Caroi. Please can you give a short describes.
# 15 16 years ago

i would love to know what happens to nina and angelo and also to amorah and edwardo
(All 15 messages )

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