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christina aguilera 'beautiful' video

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# 1 17 years ago

hey i have some questions about this video for anyone who thinks they are an expert. is anyone willing to help me out?

i was just curious what the names of the people are that are in the video. (the anorexic girl, the skinny guy, the ** guys, the punk guy, the bald guy...ect.) does anyone know any of their names in real life? if not, do you know where i could find this out?
# 2 17 years ago

> hey i have some questions about this video for anyone who thinks they are an expert. is anyone willing to help me out?
> i was just curious what the names of the people are that are in the video. (the anorexic girl, the skinny guy, the ** guys, the punk guy, the bald guy...ect.) does anyone know any of their names in real life? if not, do you know where i could find this out?
> thanks!
# 3 17 years ago

-Did you ever get the name of the punk guy?

> hey i have some questions about this video for anyone who thinks they are an expert. is anyone willing to help me out?
> i was just curious what the names of the people are that are in the video. (the anorexic girl, the skinny guy, the ** guys, the punk guy, the bald guy...ect.) does anyone know any of their names in real life? if not, do you know where i could find this out?
> thanks!
# 4 17 years ago

> hey i have some questions about this video for anyone who thinks they are an expert. is anyone willing to help me out?
> i was just curious what the names of the people are that are in the video. (the anorexic girl, the skinny guy, the ** guys, the punk guy, the bald guy...ect.) does anyone know any of their names in real life? if not, do you know where i could find this out?
> thanks!
# 5 16 years ago

> hey i have some questions about this video for anyone who thinks they are an expert. is anyone willing to help me out?
> i was just curious what the names of the people are that are in the video. (the anorexic girl, the skinny guy, the ** guys, the punk guy, the bald guy...ect.) does anyone know any of their names in real life? if not, do you know where i could find this out?
> thanks!
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