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texas chainsaw massacre song in trailer

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# 1 20 years ago

in the trailer for the texas chainsaw massacre remake, one can hear a remake of this mortal coil's song to the siren. it is NOT this mortal coil,s version in the trailer but a recent, truly hard to find remake. i have had two answers:
1-synchronic (who have renamed the song this mortal coil)
2-renée firner from the band moneypenny.
any help would be great!
# 2 20 years ago

> in the trailer for the texas chainsaw massacre remake, one can hear a remake of this mortal coil's song to the siren. it is NOT this mortal coil,s version in the trailer but a recent, truly hard to find remake. i have had two answers:
> 1-synchronic (who have renamed the song this mortal coil)
> 2-renée firner from the band moneypenny.
> any help would be great!
# 3 20 years ago

is the song that you are referring too also the same song that plays in the later half of David Lynch's "Lost Highway"?...
# 4 20 years ago

the song you are talking about is indeed The Cocteau Twins performing with This Mortal Coil "Song to the Siren"
# 5 19 years ago

> in the trailer for the texas chainsaw massacre remake, one can hear a remake of this mortal coil's song to the siren. it is NOT this mortal coil,s version in the trailer but a recent, truly hard to find remake. i have had two answers:
> 1-synchronic (who have renamed the song this mortal coil)
> 2-renée firner from the band moneypenny.
> any help would be great!
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