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Swift Suzuki Plus Car Ad Song???

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# 1 17 years ago

Does anyone know the song thats playing on this commercial?... the ad has four people driving around the city with this bassy beat pumping... then the music stopps and this fat bald lookin guy says something like "hey are you just gonna drive around in circles around the block? most people do stuff..." then he jumps outta the vehicle... anyone who knows the beat pumpin? thank you
# 2 16 years ago

> Does anyone know the song thats playing on this commercial?... the ad has four people driving around the city with this bassy beat pumping... then the music stopps and this fat bald lookin guy says something like "hey are you just gonna drive around in circles around the block? most people do stuff..." then he jumps outta the vehicle... anyone who knows the beat pumpin? thank you
# 3 17 years ago

> Does anyone know the song thats playing on this commercial?... the ad has four people driving around the city with this bassy beat pumping... then the music stopps and this fat bald lookin guy says something like "hey are you just gonna drive around in circles around the block? most people do stuff..." then he jumps outta the vehicle... anyone who knows the beat pumpin? thank you
# 4 17 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song thats playing on this commercial?... the ad has four people driving around the city with this bassy beat pumping... then the music stopps and this fat bald lookin guy says something like "hey are you just gonna drive around in circles around the block? most people do stuff..." then he jumps outta the vehicle... anyone who knows the beat pumpin? thank you
# 5 17 years ago

i dont know the song, but im looking for it to man!
# 6 17 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song thats playing on this commercial?... the ad has four people driving around the city with this bassy beat pumping... then the music stopps and this fat bald lookin guy says something like "hey are you just gonna drive around in circles around the block? most people do stuff..." then he jumps outta the vehicle... anyone who knows the beat pumpin? thank you
# 7 17 years ago

ive been looking for that song forever!! please email me if you find out!
# 8 17 years ago

People say the song was just built for the comercial... but people sware it exists... i for one hope it exists!
# 9 17 years ago

> Does anyone know the song thats playing on this commercial?... the ad has four people driving around the city with this bassy beat pumping... then the music stopps and this fat bald lookin guy says something like "hey are you just gonna drive around in circles around the block? most people do stuff..." then he jumps outta the vehicle... anyone who knows the beat pumpin? thank you

I do not know what this song is but I would love to find out.
# 10 17 years ago

If u find out, let me know too could you?
# 11 17 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song thats playing on this commercial?... the ad has four people driving around the city with this bassy beat pumping... then the music stopps and this fat bald lookin guy says something like "hey are you just gonna drive around in circles around the block? most people do stuff..." then he jumps outta the vehicle... anyone who knows the beat pumpin? thank you
# 12 17 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song thats playing on this commercial?... the ad has four people driving around the city with this bassy beat pumping... then the music stopps and this fat bald lookin guy says something like "hey are you just gonna drive around in circles around the block? most people do stuff..." then he jumps outta the vehicle... anyone who knows the beat pumpin? thank you
# 13 17 years ago

the song was e demo created just for the ad i'm afraid
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