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looking for a commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

I am looking for the credit fraud commericial that has a guy sitting in his chair, and is mouthing while a female voice overtalk about what she bought with the credit card she stole. He is supposed to be the person the card was stolen from
# 2 20 years ago

> I am looking for the credit fraud commericial that has a guy sitting in his chair, and is mouthing while a female voice overtalk about what she bought with the credit card she stole. He is supposed to be the person the card was stolen from
It's a citibank commercial. $1500 bustier... 2 other commercials similar and hilarious. Don't know anyone who's actually gotten ahold of the commercials
# 3 20 years ago

> > I am looking for the credit fraud commericial that has a guy sitting in his chair, and is mouthing while a female voice overtalk about what she bought with the credit card she stole. He is supposed to be the person the card was stolen from
> It's a citibank commercial. $1500 bustier... 2 other commercials similar and hilarious. Don't know anyone who's actually gotten ahold of the commercials
# 4 20 years ago

> > I am looking for the credit fraud commericial that has a guy sitting in his chair, and is mouthing while a female voice overtalk about what she bought with the credit card she stole. He is supposed to be the person the card was stolen from
> It's a citibank commercial. $1500 bustier... 2 other commercials similar and hilarious. Don't know anyone who's actually gotten ahold of the commercials
# 5 20 years ago

I don't have that one but I do have the one with the guy on the treadmill as it malfunctions. I'm looking for the link since I can't send it to a lot of people because of the size that the file is.

# 6 20 years ago

Hey if anyone finds this commerical please let me know! I'm looking for it too!

> > > I am looking for the credit fraud commericial that has a guy sitting in his chair, and is mouthing while a female voice overtalk about what she bought with the credit card she stole. He is supposed to be the person the card was stolen from
> > It's a citibank commercial. $1500 bustier... 2 other commercials similar and hilarious. Don't know anyone who's actually gotten ahold of the commercials
> >
(All 6 messages )

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