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Chrysler PT Cruiser

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# 1 20 years ago

I hope that someone can help. I am looking for the album information for a song that plays on a recent Chrysler PT Cruiser commercial. A female singer is singing the chorus 'Love is all we need...' I think. It is not Mary J. Blige. The artist sort of sounds like Christina A. to me but I don't listen to her enough to know. Help?
# 2 20 years ago

I don't know the commercial. But Chrysler has a contract with Celine Dione, so the female singing must be her. Hope that helps
# 3 20 years ago

> I hope that someone can help. I am looking for the album information for a song that plays on a recent Chrysler PT Cruiser commercial. A female singer is singing the chorus 'Love is all we need...' I think. It is not Mary J. Blige. The artist sort of sounds like Christina A. to me but I don't listen to her enough to know. Help?

The song is 'One Heart' by Celine Dion. I had to find out because I liked it so much also... You can find a sample at sony... here is the link:
# 4 20 years ago

That is Celine Dion, and the song is from her 'One Heart' CD.

# 5 20 years ago

> The song is 'One Heart' by Celine Dion. I had to find out because I liked it so much also... You can find a sample at sony... here is the link:

Correction. The ALBUM is 'One Heart'. The SONG is 'Love Is All We Need' (track 2).
# 6 20 years ago

> > The song is 'One Heart' by Celine Dion. I had to find out because I liked it so much also... You can find a sample at sony... here is the link:
> >

The song is One heart but it was actually recorded by Jacklyn Fisher specifically for Chrysler and is not available for purchase anywhere. This is from an email I received from Chrysler corp when I wrote them about it.

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