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mitsubishi commercials... the second one....

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# 1 22 years ago

Ok, I know the WiseGuys did 'Start the Commotion''
(from thier like 1999/1998 cd) for one of the mistubishi commercials... what's
the wierd one they play on the current eclipse '03 commercial? hard to
understand, and mostly techno type thing (don;t listen to techno so dont know if
that's the right term..). Anyone know? The commercial i'm referring to has a
woman doing a wierd thing with her neck and arms... like she's in slow-motion'
convulsions or something...
# 2 22 years ago

the song is 'Days Go By' by dirty vegas

# 3 22 years ago

> Ok, I know the WiseGuys did 'Start the Commotion''
: (from thier like 1999/1998 cd) for one of the mistubishi commercials... what's
: the wierd one they play on the current eclipse '03 commercial? hard to
: understand, and mostly techno type thing (don;t listen to techno so dont know if
: that's the right term..). Anyone know? The commercial i'm referring to has a
: woman doing a wierd thing with her neck and arms... like she's in slow-motion'
: convulsions or something...
It's called popping. Very popular in the eighties, they had some on Bernie Mac when talking about the seventies so I suppose it was pretty urban then. It's just odd because she is sitting.
and you know the song by now.

# 4 21 years ago

The song is 'Days Go By' by Dirty Vegas. Its a tight song!
# 5 21 years ago

I don't know but she has nice breasts

# 6 21 years ago

> Ok, I know the WiseGuys did 'Start the Commotion''
: (from thier like 1999/1998 cd) for one of the mistubishi commercials... what's
: the wierd one they play on the current eclipse '03 commercial? hard to
: understand, and mostly techno type thing (don;t listen to techno so dont know if
: that's the right term..). Anyone know? The commercial i'm referring to has a
: woman doing a wierd thing with her neck and arms... like she's in slow-motion'
: convulsions or something...

# 7 21 years ago

It is Dirty Vegas and the song is Days Go By...micfar

:> Ok, I know the WiseGuys did 'Start the Commotion''
:> (from thier like 1999/1998 cd) for one of the mistubishi commercials... what's
:> the wierd one they play on the current eclipse '03 commercial? hard to
:> understand, and mostly techno type thing (don;t listen to techno so dont know if
:> that's the right term..). Anyone know? The commercial i'm referring to has a
:> woman doing a wierd thing with her neck and arms... like she's in slow-motion'
:> convulsions or something...

# 8 21 years ago

> :i do not know the name of the song the girl is popping to. could you please e mail the title to me.
# 9 21 years ago

I found this on another website. The song from the '03 commercial is 'Days Go By' by a group called Dirty Vegas. Hope this helps.
>> Ok, I know the WiseGuys did 'Start the Commotion''
:> (from thier like 1999/1998 cd) for one of the mistubishi commercials... what's
:> the wierd one they play on the current eclipse '03 commercial? hard to
:> understand, and mostly techno type thing (don;t listen to techno so dont know if
:> that's the right term..). Anyone know? The commercial i'm referring to has a
:> woman doing a wierd thing with her neck and arms... like she's in slow-motion'
:> convulsions or something...
> It's called popping. Very popular in the eighties, they had some on Bernie Mac when talking about the seventies so I suppose it was pretty urban then. It's just odd because she is sitting.
> and you know the song by now.

# 10 21 years ago

Sure, but what I'd love to find out is the name of the three models, two girls in the lancer commercial and the girl with the dog in the SUV commercial. Any names?
: Ok, I know the WiseGuys did 'Start the Commotion''
: (from thier like 1999/1998 cd) for one of the mistubishi commercials... what's
: the wierd one they play on the current eclipse '03 commercial? hard to
: understand, and mostly techno type thing (don;t listen to techno so dont know if
: that's the right term..). Anyone know? The commercial i'm referring to has a
: woman doing a wierd thing with her neck and arms... like she's in slow-motion'
: convulsions or something...

# 11 20 years ago

> : Ok, I know the WiseGuys did 'Start the Commotion''
:> (from thier like 1999/1998 cd) for one of the mistubishi commercials... what's
:> the wierd one they play on the current eclipse '03 commercial? hard to
:> understand, and mostly techno type thing (don;t listen to techno so dont know if
:> that's the right term..). Anyone know? The commercial i'm referring to has a
:> woman doing a wierd thing with her neck and arms... like she's in slow-motion'
:> convulsions or something...
> It's called popping. Very popular in the eighties, they had some on Bernie Mac when talking about the seventies so I suppose it was pretty urban then. It's just odd because she is sitting.
> and you know the song by now.
The name of the song is 'Days Go By' and it is by the Artist 'Dirty Vegas'

# 12 20 years ago


DO you happen to know the name of the song and/or band that sings the new Endeavor commercial, its got a cool, catchy guitar and bass riff?
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