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Fall Gap Ads - Can we stop asking about these?

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# 1 20 years ago

Please people. About 100 different people have posted asking about the music in the Gap ads.
First of all, the Gap lists all their spots and the music on their websites, so start there.
Secondly, use search here before you post a question for something that would obviously be a popular question.
Finally, the answers are as follows:
--The ad for broken in jeans uses TEMPTED by SQUEEZE
--The ad with the women in it wearing scarves uses SEPTEMBER by Earth, Wind and Fire.
Now let's start asking other questions.
# 2 20 years ago

Daphne I am laughing my ass off by the remarks you made about the gap commercial comments by others.
# 3 20 years ago

Daphne, will you marry me?

# 4 20 years ago

> Daphne, will you marry me?
---I hate to be a heartbreaker, but I'm already married. :)
# 5 20 years ago

> Daphne I am laughing my ass off by the remarks you made about the gap commercial comments by others.
--Thanks. I'm not trying to be a smarty pants, just getting tired of the system being clogged up by the same question OVER and OVER. It happens all the time. Obviously we are all web-savvy enough to look stuff up so why no one follows the simple instructions of searching for your question before posting is beyond me!
# 6 20 years ago

Doody!....anyway I feel like a dork, I spelled my name wrong yesterday, so who would want to marry me anyway HAHAHAH DANG SHIZZLE!

# 7 20 years ago

Whos the GUY in the broken in jeans commercial?

# 8 20 years ago

> Please people. About 100 different people have posted asking about the music in the Gap ads.
> First of all, the Gap lists all their spots and the music on their websites, so start there.
> Secondly, use search here before you post a question for something that would obviously be a popular question.
> Finally, the answers are as follows:
: --The ad for broken in jeans uses TEMPTED by SQUEEZE
: --The ad with the women in it wearing scarves uses SEPTEMBER by Earth, Wind and Fire.
> Now let's start asking other questions.
Raoul Bova is hot.

# 9 20 years ago

ok, someone please help me, I am trying to remember what song it is that Gap is now using in their khakis no stain tv spot where guys are running from people squirting water at them. I know I know it. It's either by Love and Rockets or Bauhaus, but I i can't find it and I don't remember the name of the song. Also, I've checked the site and they only have the winter ads and nothing about this ad and I've tried various other searches. So anyone from my era that can remember the song name please help!! Thanks in advance!

> > Please people. About 100 different people have posted asking about the music in the Gap ads.
> > First of all, the Gap lists all their spots and the music on their websites, so start there.
> > Secondly, use search here before you post a question for something that would obviously be a popular question.
> > Finally, the answers are as follows:
> : --The ad for broken in jeans uses TEMPTED by SQUEEZE
> : --The ad with the women in it wearing scarves uses SEPTEMBER by Earth, Wind and Fire.
> > Now let's start asking other questions.
> Raoul Bova is hot.
(All 9 messages )

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