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John Ritter ABCNews Special Song?

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone out there know the name of the song and who sings it that the ABCNews Special with Diane Sawyer used at the very end of the John Ritter ABCNews Special that they showed last week?
Part of the song goes:
'When I feel like i'm lost, something tells me your here with me and I can always find my way.........'
Thank you very much.
# 2 20 years ago

'When I Look To The Sky' - Train
When it rains, it pours and opens doors
And floods the floors we thought would always keep us safe and dry.
And in the midst of sailing ships, we sink our lips into the ones we love
That have to say goodbye
And as I float along this ocean
I can feel you like a notion that won't seem to let me go
Cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me
And you make everything alright
And when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with me
And I can always find my way when you are here
And every word I didn't say that caught up in some busy day
And every dance on the kitchen floor we didn't dance before
And every sunset that we'll miss, I'll wrap them all in a kiss
And pick you up in all of this when I sail away
Whether I am up or down or in or out or just plain overhead
Instead, it just feels like it is impossible to fly
But with you I can spread my wings
To see me over everything that life may send me
When I am hoping it won't pass me by
And when I feel like there is no one that will ever know me
There you are to show me

# 3 20 years ago

Walking Antique
It might be 'When I Look To The Sky' by Train. It appears on their album 'My Private Nation'.

# 4 20 years ago

Hi John,
The song you are referring to is called 'When I Look to the Sky,' by Train. Hope this helps!
# 5 20 years ago

> Does anyone out there know the name of the song and who sings it that the ABCNews Special with Diane Sawyer used at the very end of the John Ritter ABCNews Special that they showed last week?
> Part of the song goes:
: 'When I feel like i'm lost, something tells me your here with me and I can always find my way.........'
> Thank you very much.
> John

I believe your talking about the new song by Train 'When I look to the sky' it's on their new CD, it's really good it just sounds sooo familier, like they did a cover. Hmmmm.. I'll have to get with my sis on this. Hope that's the one you were looking for. :o)
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