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Tuesday's show "The OC"

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# 1 20 years ago

I'm looking for the song that was playing on the OC tuesday night when that girl had taken pain killers and had walked outside and was stumbling around...Can someone tell me the artist and the song name?
# 2 20 years ago

I'm not sure but i heard the song Space by Something Corporate was supposed to be on it
# 3 20 years ago

I don't know the artist or the song title BUT I do know where you can find out. The website ( lists all of the songs they played (except, perhaps, for the music showcase, but you can still watch it on the site) for each episode. Just go to Features>Weekly Soundtrack and download all of the songs listed and you should find it.
Also, do you have any idea when they are going to re-show that episode? I only got to see about 20 minutes of it because I had to be rushed to the hospital (it's the only episode I've ever missed). Now with the new schedule I fear they might not show a repeat of last week's episode :(
# 4 20 years ago

Mazzy Star 'Into Dust'
# 5 20 years ago

> I'm looking for the song that was playing on the OC Monday december 15th, It was the last song of the episode. It kept on repeating "nothing can prepare us"...Can someone tell me the artist and the song name?
# 6 20 years ago

The song at the end of the "New Years" episode is called "Dice" by: Finley Quaye ft. Beth Orton. But ther are two versions, there is a reggae version and the OC version. Get the song with the album name FM49. The corus is: "Nothing can compare to when you roll the dice and swear your love is real."
# 7 20 years ago

> I'm looking for the song that was playing on the OC wendsday night when the show is starting...Can someone tell me the artist and the song name?
# 8 20 years ago

> you guys i think that adam brody is SO hot. i don't know the name of the song. sorry.but the last episode introduced md to my favorite band now,Rooney.ok well i just wanted to say that i am super glad that seth picked anna over summer. bye
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